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Articles on Marine Le Pen

Displaying 21 - 40 of 134 articles

Announcement of the results of the first round of the presidential election showing the two candidates qualified for the second round, Emmanuel Macron (28.4%) and Marine Le Pen (23.2%) (estimates at 22:40). Lionel Bonaventure/AFP

First round of the French election: apparent stability, yet a profound reconfiguration

The dynamics of the “strategic vote” in France have amplified the restructuring of the political field around three major poles: centrist, identitarian and far left.
Far-right candidates Eric Zemmour and Marine Le Pen have both benefited from substantial support by media groups sympathetic to their ideas. Thomas Coex/AFP

Behind French election tweets, the far right is hidden in plain sight

While many progressive movements have organised online, conservatives dominate because of better organisation, capital, and social inequality. France’s presidential elections are a case in point.
A man carrying a club is seen as the Proud Boys, a right-wing pro-Trump group, gather with their allies in a rally against left-wing Antifa in Portland, Oregon, Sept. 26, 2020. John Rudoff/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

Election violence in November? Here’s what the research says

Are the conditions ripe in the US for violence before, during or after the presidential election?
People holding German flags take part in a rally organised by Germany’s far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party on May 1, 2019 in Chemnitz, eastern Germany. Hendrik Schmidt/AFP

The impact of immigration on EU countries’ nationalistic sentiments

Nationalism seems to be on the rise in Europe, with many parties hostile to immigration. But what role does immigration itself have their support? Research shows some unexpected impacts.
Yellow vest protesters want French president Emmanuel Macron to feel their pain. Is he listening? Reuters/Stephane Mahe

Shockwaves from French ‘yellow vest’ protests felt across Europe

President Emmanuel Macron has presented himself as a defender of the liberal order against the rising tide of right-wing populism. But he can’t lead Europe while mass protests have France in crisis.
More than 25,000 people voted for Faith Goldy for mayor of Toronto. What does it mean? (Facebook)

The ominous third-place finish of a white supremacist in Toronto

Faith Goldy’s third-place finish in the Toronto mayoralty race should not be dismissed. We must be watchful of the potential lessons that other far-right politicians may draw from her campaign.
Is there really a strong division between folks like Brexit leader Farage and global citizens Bill Gates and Canadian PM Justin Trudeau? REUTERS/Peter Nicholls, Geoff Robins

Rise in globalism doesn’t mean the end for nationalists

Data show that many people who consider themselves ‘global citizens’ also harbor strong national sentiments. The two aren’t mutually exclusive.

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