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Articles on Paris Agreement

Displaying 201 - 220 of 343 articles

Three words, so much mileage: Tony Abbott’s anti-carbon tax refrain has been a fixture on the policy landscape for years. AAP Image/Julian Smith

In Australia, climate policy battles are endlessly reheated

We’ve been here before. In fact we’ve been going round in circles on climate policy for decades, while the temperature (of the debate, as well as the planet) climbs ever higher.
Many cities have plans in place to adapt to or mitigate the effects of climate change. But are they credible? An ongoing study looks into the question. David Blackwell/Flickr

Are our cities effectively planning for climate change?

In the fight against climate change, cities are now seen as having a major role to play. An ongoing study examines the effectiveness of the adaptation and mitigation plans of 126 coastal cities.
Sharma said a small improvement in the emissions trajectories of large emitters such as China would have much greater impact than anything Australia could itself do. Joel Carrett/AAP

Sharma calls for Australia to play a bigger international role on climate

These efforts should include trying to turn around the United States’ decision to leave the Paris agreement, Sharma told the Coalition for Conservation on Tuesday night.
The solar boom continues, but not necessarily because of government policy settings. AAP Image/UNSW

Australia is counting on cooking the books to meet its climate targets

Australia’s government insists it is on track to surpass its emissions reduction commitments under the Paris Agreement. But while that may be true, it will only happen with some clever accounting.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks about the federal government’s newly imposed carbon tax at an event in Toronto in October 2018. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Nathan Denette

Rethinking Canada’s climate policy from the ground up

Canada’s top-down approach to designing its climate policy has failed. It needs to find ways to engage with individuals.
If citizens think they’ll personally and financially benefit from a carbon tax, maybe politicians would take action. Thomas Hafeneth/Unsplash

Want citizens to care about climate change? Write them a cheque

Millions of people worldwide are either indifferent to a carbon tax or opposed. If citizens were motivated by potential carbon dividends, maybe politicians would finally take action on climate change.
AAP Image/Mick Tsikas

Carbon emissions will reach 37 billion tonnes in 2018, a record high

For the second year in a row global greenhouse emissions from fossil fuels have risen, putting 2018 on course to set a new record, according to an annual audit from the Global Carbon Project.
The Spodek complex in Katowice, Poland, will host this year’s UN climate summit.

As they meet in Poland for the next steps, nations are struggling to agree on how the ambitions of the Paris Agreement can be realised

As leaders and negotiators head to Katowice, Poland for this year’s round of UN climate talks, it is clear that there is still much work to be done to meet the goals set in Paris three years ago.
US President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping are set to meet again at the G20 in Buenos Aires, at a pivotal moment in world economic history. AAP/EPA/Roman Pilipey

Much at stake as Donald Trump and Xi Jinping meet at G20

At a time when the rules-based trading system is being shredded and the Paris Agreement risks unravelling, it is vital that the G20 meeting between the two superpowers is a constructive one.

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