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Articles on Planning

Displaying 21 - 40 of 91 articles

The Kayasehir suburb of Istanbul, Turkey. Cities throughout the world have differing approaches to development at their edges. Roger Keil

Suburban change is transforming city life around the world

Most of the world’s urban residents now live in suburban areas. A multi-year, multi-site project has conducted research internationally about these changing urban areas.
Australia’s sprawling cities present many challenges to sustainability, but planning innovations can help achieve at least half of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Nils Versemann/Shutterstock

Our cities fall short on sustainability, but planning innovations offer local solutions

Planning innovations around the world offer inspiration, but ultimately the innovations needed to make Australia’s sprawling cities more sustainable must be shaped by local conditions.
The beauty of our federation is that each state can learn from each other. Shutterstock

Grattan Institute Orange Book 2018. State governments matter, vote wisely

Ahead of two state elections, the Grattan Institute Orange Book examines the state of each state and how each can do things better. The good news is that if each copied the best in each field they would do very well indeed.
A storm caused flooding in the CBD as it swept through Hobart. Patrick Gee/The Mercury. Used with permission

Lessons in resilience: what city planners can learn from Hobart’s floods

Managing flood risk is not just ‘good planning’; it requires commitment to resilient cities by land developers, politicians and communities. Effective response means learning from mistakes.

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