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Articles on post-apartheid

Displaying 81 - 100 of 100 articles

Producing brilliant graduates is one thing – developing and nurturing those who want to remain in academia is quite another. Jason Reed/Reuters

Universities must rethink how they retain and nurture young academics

Universities in South Africa have tried to “grow their own timber” in a bid to diversify staff bodies. These programs haven’t been wildly successful. Why, and what can be done differently?
21 years into democracy, are South Africa’s university students showing other citizens how best to hold the state accountable? EPA/Ihsaan Haffejee

University students are becoming a new kind of democratic citizen

University students in South Africa have shown the potential of mass mobilisation to influence policy in advancing justice for their constitutional democratic rights.
Supporters of the Economic Freedom Fighters protesting outside the Johannesburg stock exchange. Reuters/Siphiwe Sibeko

South Africa is in danger of becoming a radicalised society – again

Since the 1940s, it’s been common for political moderates to move to the fore in South Africa – then, intermittently, to the background. They are replaced by radicals or exclusivist nationalists.
Supporters of the Congress of South African Trade Unions march in the streets of Johannesburg. Economic freedom has eluded the majority of South Africans. Siphiwe Sibeko/Reuters

South Africa: why economic freedom is proving to be the ANC’s undoing

Economic transformation of unequal societies in a democratising context is difficult. This requires a creative mix of policy options underpinned by a commitment to social justice.
Students protest at South Africa’s Stellenbosch University demanding the right to be taught in English rather than Afrikaans, which they identify with apartheid. Reuters/Mike Hutchings

Universities need to manage hate speech, not stifle freedom of expression

The university should be the bastion of the right to free expression in the promotion of democracy, and has a moral and ethical obligation to provide spaces for fierce debate and critical engagement.
A bust of Hendrik Verwoerd, the architect of apartheid. Verwoerd believed that black people should know their place – and that included staying away from ‘white’ jobs. Juda Ngwenya/Reuters

History explains why black South Africans still mistrust vocational training

Vocational training is regarded as “low status” in South Africa. Much of the negativity around technical and vocational work seems to lie in the country’s history.
A statue of colonialist Cecil John Rhodes is removed from the University of Cape Town after student protests. Could real transformation come through changing governance structures? Nic Bothma/EPA

How South African universities are governed is the biggest challenge

How can the higher education sector guard against proposed transformation measures being merely superficial quick fixes? At least part of the answer may lie in institutional governance.
Black students at University of Stellenbosch protest against the institutions’s language policy they say discriminates against them by favouring Afrikaans. Times Media/Adrian de Kock

Why Biko’s Black Consciousness philosophy resonates with youth today

Black youth are grappling with the question of the meaning of freedom in post-apartheid South Africa. They seek an antidote to their reality wherein blackness continues to be mocked and marginalised.
Young academics need a strong, properly structured support system to climb the ranks and one day become professors. From

Professors aren’t born: they must be nurtured

There are compelling educational reasons to employ more black academics in universities and to give them all the support they’ll need to become professors.
Leonardo DiCaprio plays Jay Gatsby in the The Great Gatsby. Jay’s story has been used by economists to explain the combination of unequal distribution of income and less economic mobility. Reuters/Andrew Kelly

Apartheid continues to cast shadow on equality of opportunity

Evidence on the ability, or lack thereof, of children to rise above the economic status of their parents shines light on the continued persistence of inequality, including in South Africa.
Consumption patterns among blacks are complicated by considerations including race, class position and personal relationships. Reuters/Antony Kaminju

Shaky ground: the challenge of being black and middle class

The black middle class occupies a complex and sometimes precarious position in society, one that requires constant renegotiation.

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