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Articles on Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Displaying 61 - 80 of 258 articles

Bundhurr Marburumburaay Miilgi Ngalgarra (lighting, thunder, rain, shine)- no matter how big, strong or scary the storm the sun will shine again. Artist Renae Lamb, Wiradjuri Wongabong. Owner Midnight Dreaming. Used with permission. Provided by author

10 ways we can better respond to the pandemic in a trauma-informed way

The COVID-19 pandemic is a stressful time for all, and even more so for people experiencing trauma-related stress. How can public health emergency responses avoid further trauma for vulnerable people?
Despite warnings about the impact of climate change on health, surprisingly little has been written about the mental health consequences of climate change for children. (Unsplash/Callum Shaw)

Climate change is harming children’s mental health – and this is just the start

Research shows climate change is already affecting the healthy psychological development of children worldwide. Children’s mental health risks will only accelerate as climate change advances.
Toxic dust hung in the air around ground zero for more than three months following the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Anthony Correia/Getty Images

9/11 survivors’ exposure to toxic dust and the chronic health conditions that followed offer lessons that are still too often unheeded

Those directly exposed to toxic dust and trauma on and after 9/11 carry with them a generation of chronic health conditions, which are placing them at higher risk during the pandemic and as they age.
Dance and movement therapy not only holds promise for treatment of trauma, anxiety and depression but can also contribute lifelong coping skills. kate_sept2004/E+ via Getty Images

Dance and movement therapy holds promise for treating anxiety and depression, as well as deeper psychological wounds

The COVID-19 pandemic and a growing global refugee crisis have shone a light on the ever-increasing need for new approaches to mental health treatment.

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