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Articles on Renewable energy

Displaying 201 - 220 of 1306 articles

Offshore wind farms will assist in the renewable energy transition and offset the effects of climate change. Abstract Aerial Art/DigitalVision via Getty Images

Boosting renewable energy use can happen quickly – and reduce harm to low-income people if done thoughtfully

While a US transition to renewable energy by 2030 is possible, streamlined policies with clear goals and incentives are necessary to get there, says an industrial engineering professor.
Texas is the No. 1 wind power producer in the U.S. Greg Smith/Corbis SABA via Getty Images

Who benefits from renewable energy subsidies? In Texas, it’s often fossil fuel companies that are fighting clean energy elsewhere

While Congress considers new renewable energy incentives, Texas’ sprawling wind farms tell a story about renewable energy ownership in the US – and who benefits from subsidies.
Graeme Robertson/Getty Images

New Zealand is touting a green hydrogen economy, but it will face big environmental and cultural hurdles

To develop a hydrogen economy at the scale of Aotearoa’s climate ambitions would require about a quarter of the country’s current energy use and swallow enormous amounts of water.
This direct air capture plant in Iceland was designed to capture 4,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year. Climeworks 2021 via AP Photos

How not to solve the climate change problem

A climate scientist looks at what works and some popular ideas that aren’t as cheap or effective as people hope.
Making sense of what’s tripping the switch on South Africa’s electricity supply. AJ Paulsen via GettyImages

South Africa’s power crisis: five essential reads

Five essential reads on why South Africa is failing to keep the lights on.

The clean energy revolution isn’t just a techno-fix – it’s about capturing hearts and minds

The climate crisis demands innovations in our everyday infrastructures. If these changes are to be adopted en masse, finding the right fit between communities and infrastructures is vital.
The control room of the California Independent System Operator, which manages the flow of electricity on the state’s power grid. Rolf Schulten/ullstein bild via Getty Images

What is curtailment? An electricity market expert explains why states sometimes have too much wind or solar power

Sometimes wind and solar power produce more electricity than the local grid can handle. Better energy storage and transmission could move extra energy to where it’s needed instead of shutting it off.

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