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Articles on Republican Party

Displaying 141 - 160 of 259 articles

U.S. President Donald Trump stands with Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. after delivering keynote address at commencement in Lynchburg, Virginia, May 13, 2017. Yuri Gripas/Reuters

Revisiting the legacy of Jerry Falwell Sr. in Trump’s America

Falwell Sr. was a pastor who founded the Moral Majority, a conservative Christian political lobbying group. He changed the way American Christians think about their faith and politics.
Trump seen through a TV camera’s viewfinder in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania on April 29, 2017. AP Photo/Patrick Semansky

Trump will likely win reelection in 2020

Liberals who are counting down the days until Election Day 2020 may need to revise their math. Getting rid of a sitting president isn’t easy to do.
The government-funded International Republican Institute, a nonprofit, supports democratic efforts like this voter education campaign in Burma. International Republican Institute

What Trump’s foreign aid cuts would mean for global democracy

U.S. democracy assistance is not perfect. But drastic cuts to that slice of the federal budget would sever a lifeline to pro-democracy activists around the world.
Australian voters rejected carbon taxation. But some US conservatives are now embracing it. AAP Image/Paul Miller

Tax and dividend: how conservatives can grow to love carbon pricing

Taxing carbon has always been a tricky political sell for conservatives. But a group of establishment US Republicans is touting the idea of a carbon “tax and dividend” as a way to break the deadlock.
German stock market after US election, November 9, 2016. Frank Rumpenhorst/EPA

Trump: where we might end up

As candidate, Trump promised protectionist trade policies and denigrated international agreements. Now, as president of the United States, how far can he go?
German stock market after US election, November 9, 2016. Frank Rumpenhorst/EPA

Trump: how we got here

The fall of the Berlin wall was supposed to usher in ‘the end of history’, an eternal age of capitalist economics and liberal-democratic politics. It hasn’t turned out that way.
Donald Trump on the campaign trail. His rise may have less real meaning than many analysts suggest. Reuters/Mike Segar

The risk of reading too much into the rise of Donald Trump

There has been much analysis on the rise of Donald Trump as the result of widespread social and economic unrest, but a look at the primaries shows it to be more of a quirk of the system.

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