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Articles on Ronald Reagan

Displaying 121 - 134 of 134 articles

Rubio (second from left) waves along with South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley (second from right), U.S. Rep. Trey Gowdy (far left) and U.S. Sen. Tim Scott (far right). REUTERS/Chris Keane

The GOP moves to South Carolina, the first red state battleground

South Carolina is a red state. The GOP candidates know that a win here can lead to the party nomination.
Six of the 17 declared 2016 Republican U.S. presidential candidates before the start of a forum August 3, 2015. Brian Snyder/REUTERS

The withering of the culture war

Wedge issues that have divided American voters for years are losing their edge.
Ninian Reed flickr

The political work of the Confederate flag

Public opinion on the flag may have shifted with lightning speed, but how did it hold on as long as it did? The answer has to do with how it served both Democratic and Republican parties alike.
He’s not done yet Larry Downing/Reuters

Is the Obama presidency over?

Is the Obama presidency over? This has been the burning question on the lips of many Washington DC pundits and beltway insiders in the wake of devastating Democratic midterm election losses. According…

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