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Articles on Rupert Murdoch

Displaying 141 - 155 of 155 articles

Self-regulation of newspapers can lead to a conflict of interest. AAP/William West

Independent media inquiry: self-regulation key to freedom of press

The Gillard Government has announced it will hold an inquiry into the state of the Australian print media. One of the key elements investigated will be the role of the Australian Press Council, the self-regulatory…
Communications Minister, Stephen Conroy, announced the terms of reference for the media inquiry on Wednesday. AAP

Broad terms for media inquiry but what about ownership?

The Australian government has announced the terms of reference of its planned media inquiry, which will look at the powers of the Press Council, recent technological developments and the ability of the…
Rupert Murdoch holding a copy of The Times, a News International paper. AAP

The perils of trying to regulate for ethical behaviour

In little more than two weeks, the long simmering issue of illegal phone hacking at News Corporation’s British newspaper News of the World has developed into a cascading crisis, with fatal results for…
As both CEO and chair of News Corp, Murdoch must accept blame for his employees’ behaviour. AAP

Corporate governance 101: the buck stops with Rupert Murdoch

News Corporation shareholders would have been justifiably disturbed when James and Rupert Murdoch told this week’s UK parliamentary committee hearing that they could not be held responsible for the behaviour…
Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News attracts criticism in the US for its perceived bias. AAP

Rupert Murdoch and the state of American journalism

The decline and fall of Rupert Murdoch has more twists and turns than a colonoscopy: the closing of the 168-year-old News of the World; the resignation of two of his top executives and four Scotland Yard…
Appearing before a parliamentary committee was “my humblest day” according to Rupert Murdoch. AFP PHOTO/PARBUL

Murdochs’ defence strategy: ‘Sorry, we had no idea what was going on’

So, after a day of drama at Westminster, what have we learnt, other than the fact that Rupert Murdoch’s wife Wendi packs a mean left hook (future pranksters beware)? For the best part of six hours we Westminster-watchers…
Lara Bingle and Michael Clarke faced enormous media interest over their relationship. AAP

Privacy in the age of no privacy

Reaction to the widening News of the World scandal has again highlighted the lack of protection against invasion of privacy by the media in Australia. Former Prime Minister Paul Keating renewed his attack…
Sign of the times for Rupert Murdoch’s UK print media operations. AAP

The unfolding impact of the Murdoch media crisis

Born and bred in the UK, I have spent my entire adult life in the company of News International newspapers. And as a media scholar by profession, I have been critical of the Murdoch titles for decades…
Rupert Murdoch’s British newspaper empire is reeling under the phone hacking scandal. AAP

Murdoch, mediacracy and the opportunity for a new transparency

Schadenfreude is the tough-sounding word that wins my vote for describing accurately how millions of people around the world are feeling about Rupert Murdoch’s media empire. For those who were long resigned…
Britain’s tabloid culture is yellow journalism for the 21st century. AAP

Rupert Murdoch and the News International tabloid grotesquerie

When American newspapermen mused on their profession a century ago, they would confess, usually with pride, that it was both cruel and mendacious – and had to be. H L Mencken, among the most influential…
Metropolitan Police officers are interviewing senior News International executives as part of their investigation into phone hacking by journalists. AAP photo. AAP

The News of the World closure: trying to make sense of it all

Where to begin? The closure of a 160-year-old newspaper, the arrest of the man who until recently was the Prime Minister’s Director of Communications, the revelations that the Metropolitan Police, or at…
Greens leader Bob Brown has attacked the News Ltd ‘hate media’. AAP

Bob Brown’s misjudged attack on the Murdoch ‘hate media’

Greens leader Senator Bob Brown recently described attacks on his party by The Australian as being the work of a News Ltd “hate media”. News outlets owned by the Murdoch empire are renowned in the USA…

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