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Articles on Sea level rise

Displaying 101 - 120 of 282 articles

Flooding caused by high tides in a Miami neighborhood on June 19, 2019. AP Photo/Ellis Rua

For flood-prone cities, seawalls raise as many questions as they answer

Many coastal US cities are contending with increasingly frequent and severe tidal flooding as sea levels rise. Some are considering building seawalls, but this strategy is not simple or cheap.
Low-lying communities near rivers and bays face increasing risk of flooding. RoschetzkyIstockPhoto

‘Managed retreat’ done right can reinvent cities so they’re better for everyone – and avoid harm from flooding, heat and fires

Managed retreat doesn’t always mean leaving. It’s about preserving the essential while redesigning communities to be better for everyone. Here’s what that can look like.
Migrants hoping to reach the distant U.S. border walk along a highway in Guatemala in January 2021. AP Photo/Sandra Sebastian

As more climate migrants cross borders seeking refuge, laws will need to adapt

Climate migrants don’t fit neatly into the legal definitions of refugee or migrant, and that can leave them in limbo. The Biden administration is debating how to identify and help them.
The big wildcard for sea level rise is Antarctica. James Eades/Unsplash

Antarctica is headed for a climate tipping point by 2060, with catastrophic melting if carbon emissions aren’t cut quickly

If emissions continue at their current pace, Antarctica will cross a threshold into runaway sea rise when today’s kids are raising families. Pulling CO2 out of the air later won’t stop the ice loss.

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