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Articles on Sex

Displaying 161 - 180 of 451 articles

The Romans have been denounced for their reverie in ‘vice’ but their hedonistic approach to love and sexuality should be celebrated salajean/Shutterstock

Romosexuality – embracing queer sex and love in Ancient times

Grecian love is often idealised as an respectable model for queer love. However, there’s more pleasure and reality to be found in ancient Rome’s dirtier version
The northern map turtle is listed as a species at risk in Canada. Little is known about its reproductive behaviour as it spends most of its life underwater. G. Bulté

I spy on real turtles having sex with 3D-printed turtle sex dolls

New technologies are revealing more about the secret lives of underwater turtles. Using underwater cameras and 3D printing, researchers are learning more than ever before.
For millennia, theologians taught that the sole purpose of sex was reproductive. Now, almost everyone agrees that sex has many purposes – and benefits. Dean Drobot/

What is sex really for?

The purpose of sex may seem obvious, but it has perplexed and intrigued a variety of great minds for millennia.
Men have nipples because of a quirk in how embryos develop. But that’s only part of the story of this seemingly redundant body part. from

Why do men have nipples?

How embryos develop, evolution and sexual pleasure all help explain why men have nipples. But ‘man boobs’ are a different story.
For centuries, people thought nothing of crowding family members or friends into the same bed. miniwide/

The bizarre social history of beds

Today’s beds are thought of as bastions of privacy. But not long ago, they were the perches from which kings ruled and places where travelers hunkered down with complete strangers.

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