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Articles on Social justice

Displaying 401 - 420 of 457 articles

Residents near the burnt-out Grenfell Tower display a sign that expresses their anger at being marginalised and ignored. Stefan Wermuth/Reuters

Grenfell Tower fire exposes the injustice of disasters

Marginal people become resourceless, invisible to public policies, and disempowered in public life. This increases their vulnerability to disaster.
Protests over housing at, an informal settlement near Johannesburg. EPA/Cornell Tukiri

South Africa urgently needs to rethink its approach to housing

Recent events suggest that South Africa’s government may be resorting to short-term measures to pacify anger over lack of housing. But what’s needed is a major overhaul of the housing policy.
The not-for-profit sector continues to grow in Africa and across the world. Shutterstock

The role of NGOs in Africa: are they a force for good?

Non-governmental organisations are criticised for pandering to the whims of the donor community at the expense of local populations. The real question is: can they bring about real change?
People protest at a demonstration in Market Square, in Cleveland. The demonstration was organized in protest of President Donald Trump’s immigration order. AP Photo/Tony Dejak

What motivates moral outrage?

A lot of moral outrage has been expressed lately – over Trump’s travel ban and other issues. The expression of such outrage is more than a response to perceived injustice.
Social grants help millions of South Africans escape the burden of poverty. Nic Bothma/EPA

Why South Africa’s Constitution is under attack

South Africa’s Constitutional Court has repeatedly stepped in to protect vulnerable people and to perform what former deputy chief Justice Dikgang Moseneke calls its “transformative role”.

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