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Articles on Social justice

Displaying 81 - 100 of 456 articles

Demonstrators from the Chagos Islands protest for Britain to end its “illegal occupation”. Photo by JEAN MARC POCHE/AFP via Getty Images

Why Britain should immediately withdraw from Mauritius’ Chagos Islands

As they negotiate with Mauritius, British leaders are mostly interested in securing guarantees that America’s military interests will not be harmed by a transfer of authority to Port Louis.
A South African street vendor awaits customers. The country has some of the highest inequality in the world. Mujahid Safodien/AFP via Getty Images

A basic income grant for South Africa: more money in poor people’s pockets, but at a heavy cost

An unfunded expansion of the social transfer system could lead to even worse economic outcomes — the medicine should not be worse than the disease.
The ‘othering’ of women through misogyny, racism and sexism in scholarship has had, and continues to have, serious consequences on women’s lives. (Shutterstock)

Why women’s studies programs in Canada are more important than ever

Women’s studies programs should continue to be supported to ensure the fight for women’s rights are not reversed or forgotten.
Approximately one-third of 2SLGBTQ+ young people who participated in a nutrition study noted that they did not have any support systems in place to help them with their nutritional needs during the pandemic. (Shutterstock)

Food insecurity during COVID-19: 2SLGBTQ+ people talk about challenges and support

Food insecurity is a social justice issue tied to social determinants of health. Historically marginalized people like 2SLGBTQ+ youth are at risk, and more likely to be food insecure during COVID-19.

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