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Articles on Social networks

Displaying 121 - 140 of 163 articles

Studies suggest friends, family members and even colleagues of smokers or obese people are more likely to smoke or be obese themselves. Barry/Flickr

Beware, a ‘non-communicable’ disease may be socially infectious

The leading cause of death in the world are a group of illnesses known as non-commmunicable diseases. But a growing body of evidence shows they’re actually social contagions.
Popular friends on social media could give enough warning to make plans to reduce damage some natural disasters. Flickr/Rob Gross

Popular friends on social media can help save you from disasters

You may think your social media friends are only good for keeping you up with all the latest gossip and trends but research published today has found they can also help save you in the event of any natural…
If you lie, I’ll move to another group. Sebastiaan ter Burg

White lies make social networks stronger, but selfish lies tear them apart

“Lying is a bad thing – this is what mentors, parents and teachers tell us. But there is no society without lies.” So says theoretical physicist Rafael Barrio, and when he and his colleague Kimmo Kaski…
Trust me guys, you’ll like me in the morning. opacity

Adding on Facebook makes us like new friends more

We’ve all returned home after a night out at a party to find a Facebook friend request from someone you briefly met but barely know. Just to be polite, you add the person to your friend list. But it turns…
errmmmm, no I don’t really know how to add friends either. Vic Gundotra has had enough. niallkennedy

Google+ isn’t dead, it just hasn’t got any friends

The news that Vic Gundotra, Google’s vice-president for social media, is to leave the company has fuelled speculation that Google+, the company’s much maligned social network that Gundotra oversaw, is…
If people are talking online, we need to be talking about HIV online too. Jayel Aheram

In the age of Grindr, HIV support needs to get online

Websites and apps such as Grindr and Scruff are booming as a new way for men to meet other men. But the people who seek to inform men about HIV and AIDS are finding they need to think on their feet to…
Your Facebook settings now stay put, even after you die. rutty

Faceless Facebook reps help bereaved families Look Back

Facebook’s Community Operations team has announced it is changing the privacy settings on accounts for deceased users to reflect the settings they chose in life. Before the new policy, Facebook automatically…
Recommended for me? Milk appreciation group? LIKE. c r z

New mums shun Twitter and stick to baby-friendly Facebook

Although it might sometimes seem that your Facebook feed is overrun with chatter about babies, research from Microsoft has suggested that mums actually spend less time on the site after they have had children…

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