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Articles on The Conversation France

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A team in Argentina is using sensors based on TinyML technology to study Chelonoidis chilensis tortoises. Little is known about its biology and the species is in a vulnerable state. The small sensors, in black on the shell, are small enough to allow the animal to move freely.

AI in the developing world: how ‘tiny machine learning’ can have a big impact

Traditionally dominated by the use of centralised, resource-intensive servers, machine learning is being democratised with the growth of “TinyML”, distinguished by its small size and low cost.
On 27 October 2022, Elon Musk posted “The bird is freed” on Twitter. A year later, some “NatCon” (conservative nationalist) accounts have been restored, but X remains selective. Koshiro K/Shutterstock

From Twitter to X: one year on, are white supremacists back?

When Elon Musk took control of Twitter, many were concerned about the reappearance of extremist accounts. In retrospect, X has shown itself to be selective.
Cognitive bias is alleged to have contributed to the downing of the Iran Air Flight 655 by the US navy, which killed 290 people in July 1988. Bandar Abbas/AFP

Training to reduce cognitive bias may improve decision making after all

It has long been thought one couldn’t bend one’s intuition. Recent research reveals it is in fact possible to reduce bias through training.
Enacting a coercive control offence in France would be a significant advance in the equality agenda, would help protect 213 000 women, 82 % of whom are mothers, and their 398 310 children co-victims of domestic violence. Yakobchuk Viacheslav/Shutterstock

Domestic violence: criminalising coercive control in France could bring more justice to victims

The concept of “coercive control” reframes domestic violence as an attack on human rights and resources rather than an assault.
Aerial view of a waterfall in the valley of Vilcabamba, Ecuador, where an historic lawsuit was won by a river in 2011. Curioso.Photography/Shutterstock

‘Legal animism’: when a river or even nature itself goes to court

Some countries have managed to elevate nature and ecosystems to the status of legal entities. Do these innovations really help to protect the environment?
Carbon fluxes between the forest and atmosphere in Gabon. Nicolas Barbier

Measuring the invisible: the tough job of calculating the carbon stocks and fluxes of a forest

Depending on the methods used, the measurement of forest carbon can vary by as much as 100%.
la perte de valeur des actifs exposés au dérèglement climatique est de -27 % en moyenne. Shutterstock

Extreme weather could burn investment portfolios by mid-century

According to a study by EDHEC, some investors could see the value of their portfolios plummet by 50% by 2050 as a result of the multiplication of extreme weather events.
French citizens celebrate Emmanuel Macron’s victory in the country’s 2017 presidential elections. Lorie Shaull/Flickr

Debate: Why France needs the Fifth Republic

Opposition forces in France are using the president’s unpopularity to push for a new constitution. It’s a dangerous game.
Not only is deforestation unsightly. Fewer trees also mean less precious carbon sinks to absorb anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. Flickr

Why we won’t be able to prevent climate breakdown without changing our relationship to the rest of the living world

Any smart climate strategy will need to simultaneously move away from fossil fuels and protect biodiversity, including through carbon sink preservation and a shift toward sustainable agriculture.
In the heat of the summer, time can sometimes appear like it’s melting away. However, our body clock is there to keep track of the hours gone by. Joseph Jacobs, Shutterstock

Biological clocks: how does our body know that time goes by?

Our bodies are able to perceive time thanks to our internal clocks, which are also used by the other living beings with which we interact.
Debt renegotiation between debtors (mostly older, minority women) and debt collectors (in green and from behind). December 2019, debt renegotiation fair in Vitoria (Espirito Santo) Brazil. T. Narring

How debt has morphed into a new form of work for women

In different parts of the world, managing debt on a day-to-day basis is a real job, and one that is mainly taken on by women.
Former US president Donald Trump’s repeaded false statements about the 2020 election having been “stolen” from him eventually led supporters to attack the US Capitol on 6 January 2021. Wikimedia

Conspiracy theories: how social media can help them spread and even spark violence

Conspiracy theories may be baseless, but they can have a range of harmful real-world consequences, including spreading lies, undermining trust in media and government and inciting violence.

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