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Articles on UK politics

Displaying 1601 - 1620 of 1699 articles

61 speeches and counting. Andy Rain/EPA

Queen’s Speech 2014: the experts respond

The government’s legislative plan for its final year has been set out in the Queen’s speech. It most notably contains a recall bill that will allow voters to sack MPs who are jailed or who have committed…
Nigel Farage and UKIP are faced with a political dilemma – whether to become ‘insiders’ in Westminster or remain ‘outsiders’, criticising the key political actors. EPA/Facundo Arrizabalaga

What Farage and UKIP could learn from the One Nation experience

UK Independence Party (UKIP) leader Nigel Farage now has a problem. In the wake of his party’s success in the recent European Parliament election, Farage and his UKIP colleagues need to determine how best…
We’re just one big happy family. Lewis Whyld/PA Wire

Reports of the Lib Dems’ demise are premature

In a post for The Telegraph the Conservative MEP and journalist Daniel Hannan, reckons that the Liberal Democrats are finished. Referencing both William Shakespeare and Walter Scott, Hannan claims the…
It’s all downhill from here. Bertranfenne

Both Labour and the Tories are pursuing a cynical 15% strategy

The “35% strategy” – the idea that a party could win the 2015 general election on 35% of the vote – entered political discourse last year, generally as a Conservative taunt directed at Labour. The 35…
Always the bridesmaid. Until now? John Stillwell/PA

EU election: is UKIP a political earthquake or just a tremor?

Based on growing polling evidence, it is highly likely that the UK Independence Party (UKIP) will top the national poll in the European elections. Even though historically UKIP has over-performed in European…
Romanians not going to UK. EPA/Marc Tirl

Beware the numbers game on Romanian and Bulgarian workers

It is tempting to try and use the recent release of figures from the labour force survey as a (metaphorical) stick with which to hit the likes of UKIP and Migration Watch who predicted that huge numbers…
And they’re off! Miliband launches his campaign at Barkingside leisure centre. PA

Labour launches EU campaign with a formula to beat UKIP

Labour Party leader Ed Miliband, has responded to the electoral threat of UKIP with proposals to regulate the private rental market. By targeting the forgotten generation rent – estimated to include around…
MP? Me? Naaaaah. Ben Birchall/PA

Nigel Farage was never going to stand in Newark

Every time you hear the words “seriously considering” from UKIP, you know the party has found itself in a bit of a tricky position. On one hand, something’s happened that’s generating news coverage, and…
Politicians mustn’t turn their backs on young people. Stefan Rousseau/PA Wire

Make the vote meaningful for young people – not compulsory

Young people’s relationship with politics in Britain is often considered to be both complex and problematic. On the one hand, this generation is often characterised as apathetic, with no interest in, or…
British Labour Party leader Ed Miliband has embarked on sweeping internal reform of his party. Should his Australian counterpart Bill Shorten follow suit? EPA/Andy Rain

Whither the unions? What Shorten can learn from UK Labour

In the wake of the ALP’s poor result in the recent Western Australia Senate election, The Conversation is publishing a series of articles looking at the party’s brand, organisation and future prospects…
You’d think so, wouldn’t you? Lewis Whyld/PA

Miller resigns, but keeping MPs honest is still a messy business

The former culture secretary, Maria Miller, is the latest in a series of MPs to have been caught up in an expenses controversy. The issue of what parliamentarians do with their allowances has now embarrassed…

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