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Articles on Violence

Displaying 161 - 180 of 482 articles

A protester holds a sign showing a black US flag during a demonstration in Denver, Colorado, on May 31, 2020. Jason Connolly/AFP

Police violence in the United States: what lies behind the ‘bad apples’ narrative

That George Floyd died at the hands of four police officers is uncontested, but interpretations of his death and its aftermath differ greatly. The result is two starkly opposed narratives.
A significant break in the school year could have a devastating impact on the motivation and learning of vulnerable students. (Shutterstock)

4 strategies to support vulnerable students when schools reopen after coronavirus

School closures under coronavirus have raised significant risks for vulnerable students who face maltreatment and exposure to violence. Here are five priorities to address when reopening schools.
Joey Gibson, leader of the right-wing group Patriot Prayer, addresses a crowd on April 19, 2020, in Olympia, Washington, insisting the state lift restrictions put in place to help fight the coronavirus outbreak. Karen Ducey/Getty Images

Why are white supremacists protesting to ‘reopen’ the US economy?

Militant far-right groups are always looking to appear legitimate and to recruit more Americans to their causes.

Women released from prison are at much greater risk of violence

Women who are released from prison need much better, coordinated support to help their transition back into the community without exposing themselves to violence.
More than 35,000 people were killed in Mexico in 2019, the deadliest year on record. Violence has spiked as a result of the government’s ongoing assault on drug cartels. Leonardo Emiliozzi Ph / Shutterstock

Inside Mexico’s war on drugs: Conversations with ‘el narco’

A researcher who fled crime-beset Mexico returns to interview the drug cartels behind so much of the violence, asking 33 ‘narcos’ everything about their lives, from birth to their latest murder.
Homicide has gradually declined over three decades. simon jhuan/

Homicide is declining around the world – but why?

Since 1990, the homicide rate has declined by 20%. Researchers are still figuring out what’s behind the trend: increased incarceration, improvements in the economy or even aging populations.

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