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Articles on X (formerly Twitter)

Displaying 621 - 640 of 727 articles

As a former journalist, Tony Abbott should know that everyone who writes in public writes to be heard – whether it’s on social media or elsewhere. AAP/Wayne King

No, Tony Abbott, you can’t dismiss social media as ‘electronic graffiti’

Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s announcement of a knighthood for Prince Philip on Australia Day sparked both a mainstream and social media storm. But Abbott’s response to this backlash, when he casually dismissed…
Jesse Hlebo, In Pieces (for Sebastian), 2015. 15 minute video loop on 55" LCD TV, embedded in burnt plasterboard. panels, gasoline, found palettes. Edel Assanti

Jesse Hlebo: is anything authentic in the age of social media?

Jesse Hlebo is troubled. The New York-based artist’s latest exhibition, In Pieces explores information overload and authenticity in the internet era – and it’s a challenging place to spend some time. Walking…
Does the fat bird catch the fattest worms? Alex Gorka

Buying fake accounts won’t get you anywhere on Twitter

Two of Scotland’s leading politicians illustrate an interesting phenomenon on Twitter. In the wake of the Scottish National Party’s surge in popularity following the independence referendum, Nicola Sturgeon…
Having a Twitter account is not an obligation to engage with anyone seeking to troll. Eirik Solheim/Flickr

Why I block trolls on Twitter

My first column last week was quickly trolled by a small group of mostly UK-based vaping activists. Of 49 comments posted, 17 were removed by The Conversation’s moderator before the comments were closed…
See no evil, speak no evil is next year’s Keep Calm and Carry On. Julian Tysoe

Why 2015 is gearing up to be the year of censorship

India’s government has displeased many internet users by blocking access to some major websites at the start of the new year. A total of 32 sites were blocked, although sanctions have been lifted from…
Onlookers must respect boundaries. EPA

Sydney siege shows social media is a risky business

As the hostage crisis in Sydney came to a dramatic, deadly end, people were flooded with information. The siege at the building in the city’s Central Business District is over and the gunman is dead. The…
The printed word or waving flags, such as this ISIS banner, can only reach so many people. EPA

How terrorists use Twitter to become ‘brand ambassadors’

On an overcast afternoon in London in May 2013, an off-duty soldier named Lee Rigby was murdered near his barracks in Woolwich, southeast London. Rigby’s killers were two young British men of Nigerian…
Tons of social media there for the taking… but is it truly representative of real life? Jürgen Pfeffer

Studying society via social media is not so simple

Behavioral scientists have seized on social media and their massive data sets as a way to quickly and cheaply figure out what people are thinking and doing. But some of those tweets and thumbs ups can…
The internet has become a safe haven for racial and religious abuse. Shutterstock

You’ve got hate mail: how Islamophobia takes root online

In late 2013 I was invited to present evidence, as part of my submission regarding online anti-Muslim hate, at the House of Commons. I attempted to show how hate groups on the internet were using this…
Teachers are taking to Twitter. Tweet via svariophoto/Shutterstock

Teachers tweet truth to power, but will the politicians listen?

During the magical month of December 2013 teachers across the UK were given an early Christmas gift from the least expected donor. Twitter buzzed with the news. I first saw it thanks to @teachertoolkit…
As the leaders were meeting at G20 the tweeters were tweeting their own thoughts on the global summit. Flickr/Palazzo Chigi

From selfies to climate change: the #G20 debate on Twitter

The G20 Summit that brought many of the world’s most important leaders to Brisbane last weekend was also a major Twitter event. Australian and international users expressed their concerns over the appearance…
Rape and death threats on Twitter? Not on. Lara604/Flickr

Abuse of women on Twitter: no quick fix, but that’s no excuse

The Women, Action and the Media (WAM) activist group announced on Friday a collaboration with Twitter to address online harassment of women, which it claims has “reached crisis levels”. The group, concerned…
Mario Balotelli was recently the victim of racist online abuse. Peter Byrne/PA Wire

Stamping out racism in sport means social media too

According to figures from the Home Office, only 42 arrests were made for “racial or indecent chanting” at English football matches during the 2012-13 season. Considering that the total number of attendees…
Think twice before you over-react. Jim Bourg/Reuters

#Ebola in the USA: don’t trust what you read on Twitter

Whatever you do, don’t turn to Twitter for news about Ebola. The volume and tone of tweets and retweets about the disease will make you wish you were watching the zombie apocalypse of The Walking Dead…

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