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Would giving disaster victims cash, rather than just supplies, help them get back on their feet faster? Reuters

Gifts of cash may be best way to rebuild lives of disaster victims

When disaster strikes, billions of dollars are spent on food and supplies, with little accounting of whether relief groups bought the right things or what impact they had.
Female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes transmit dengue fever when enjoying blood meals. James Gathany

Modifying mosquitoes to stop transmission of dengue fever

Annihilate the Aedes aegypti mosquito population and you’d stop dengue fever from infecting up to 100 million people worldwide annually. Here are some high-tech methods under development.
What do collections of dead butterflies do for their still-living counterparts? Andrew D Warren

Why we still collect butterflies

The dead animal specimens that comprise natural history collections contribute a lot toward scientific understanding of their still-living counterparts – and those that have gone extinct.
Does training relentlessly and regularly lead to greatness? "Nine" via

To excel in youth sports, kids need couch time

Parents want to simultaneously support and push their kids. But when it comes to sports, this mentality can backfire in subtle ways.
International Agency for Research on Cancer has classified UV-emitting tanning devices as a Group I carcinogen – the most dangerous cancer-causing substances. Tanning bed via

Think indoor tanning is a safer alternative to sitting in the sun? Think again

Researchers have estimated that 8% of the five million cases of skin cancer diagnosed each year in the US can be attributed to indoor tanning.
Believing “math isn’t for everyone” may steer kids away from tackling the challenge. susanrm8

Beliefs about innate talent may dissuade students from STEM

Kids who think being good at mathematics is just a matter of God-given talent are less likely to pursue math-related fields. But research says this kind of belief is misguided.