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Articles on Adaptation

Displaying 161 - 169 of 169 articles

When it comes to weather, scientists and the media have different understandings of risk. Ameel Khan

Spinning uncertainty? The IPCC extreme weather report and the media

The “reasonable person” would agree that disaster risk is best avoided. Under a changing climate, how exposed people are to risk and how socially and physically vulnerable they are affects how often disasters…
Improved modelling will help predict future climatic events, like changing summer rainfall. AAP

Getting projections right: predicting future climate

Region by region projections of how climate is likely to change over the coming decades help to make the prospect of global warming more tangible and relevant. Picturing the climate we are likely to have…
Australia was shocked when the city of Canberra burned, but are we better prepared now? AAP

As the climate shifts, are Australian cities ready?

Climate change challenges some of the fundamental assumptions on which our cities have been built. Within a generation or two, a city like Sydney may become exposed to a climate that is more similar to…
Finding the right road to adaptation is a complicated business. Shrek Graham/Flickr

Adapting to climate change: how will we learn to do it?

Looking back over recent years, it is possible to trace a shifting focus of scientific and political attention in the debate on climate change. First, we identified human-induced forcing of climate change…
A genome mapping project revealed that Tasmanian devils are genetically vulnerable to disease but found that a devil from the island’s north west was initally able to fight the deadly face tumour disease decimating the population. Flickr, Scott Savage

Genome map project uncovers first Tasmanian devil to fight off face tumour

A Tasmanian devil genome mapping project by U.S. researchers has revealed how a tiny gene pool helped spread a deadly facial tumour disease throughout the population but also uncovered the first ever devil…

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