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Articles on Border security

Displaying 41 - 49 of 49 articles

Donald Trump met with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto. REUTERS/Henry Romero

Immigration: Five essential reads

Donald Trump gave a major speech on immigration this week. This roundup looks at some of his ideas for reform and explains what the experts have to say about this complex issue.
Australia has been cognisant of the challenges aviation security poses. AAP/Britta Campion

Just how safe are Australia’s airports?

That Australia has not suffered a successful terrorist attack on its aviation industry is testament to the resilience of our security system.
Clashes over the building of a mosque in Bendigo are a reminder of how easily strong public feelings about immigration can be exploited. AAP/Brendan McCarthy

Ideas for Australia: Bipartisanship on immigration does little to counter racism, suspicion and division

Australians need to have a broad conversation about immigration. This must go beyond border security to discuss immigration’s broad functions, social impacts and the national interests it serves.
The new Australian Border Force conforms to the national security paradigm of combining maximum power with maximum secrecy. AAP/Lukas Coch

The Australian Border Force puts the final nail in transparency’s coffin

The Australian Border Force is the culmination of the move towards militarised border security. This commenced in earnest with the introduction of Operation Sovereign Borders in September 2013.

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