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Articles on Cats

Displaying 141 - 160 of 205 articles

Millennial women are choosing pets over kids. And they want to bring those pets to work. What can employers do? (Shutterstock)

The growing demand for pet-friendly workplaces

Pets have become a major part of our lives, with many millennials opting for a dog or cat instead of children. What should employers do to accommodate pet owners?
1947 - A patron of “Sammy’s Bowery Follies,” a downtown bar, sleeping at his table while the resident cat laps at his beer. Wikimedia Commons

Don’t let your pet accidentally get drunk this silly season (sorry Tiddles)

It’s the season to be jolly – but don’t share that jollity with your pets. Alcohol, whether in a wine glass, egg-nog or a boozy pudding, is seriously bad for our animal friends.
Pet obesity often says more about an owner’s relationship with their pet than the animal itself. Susan Schmitz/

Why are so many of our pets overweight?

More than half of dogs and cats around the globe are overweight. Are well-intentioned owners to blame?
Rey (Daisy Ridley), in Star Wars: The Last Jedi, ponders the light and dark sides of the Force. (Handout)

The Force of biology is strong in Star Wars

Star Wars: The Last Jedi leaves many questions about the saga in a galaxy far, far away unanswered. Fortunately, biology may offer a insights on the Force, midi-chlorians, clones, and Rey’s lineage.
A coyote cools off in the shade of a leafy suburb. Wildlife interactions with pets and humans can transfer disease, including the tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis. (Winston Wong/flickr)

If your pet has this tapeworm, it could kill you

A parasite found in coyotes, wolves and foxes is now spreading to dogs and their owners as its range expands across Canada.
On the prowl in the outback. Hugh McGregor/Arid Recovery

For whom the bell tolls: cats kill more than a million Australian birds every day

For the first time, researchers have estimated the toll taken by feral and pet cats on Australia’s bird life - and the numbers are high enough to push several species towards extinction.
Southpaws seem to be more common among cats and dogs than humans. Eric Isselee/

I’ve always wondered: can animals be left- and right-pawed?

The animal kingdom is full of lefties and righties, although rarely is the ratio skewed as much as it is in humans. If you’re wondering about your own pet, you can find out with a simple experiment.
Tabatha Bundesen’s pet Tardar Sauce became an Internet sensation known as “Grumpy Cat” for a resting facial appearance that resembles a look of dissatisfaction. Now, scientists are starting to be able to read animal emotions from their expressions. (AP Photo/Richard Vogel)

Animal emotions stare us in the face — are our pets happy?

Scientists are beginning to link animal facial expressions to emotions, making it possible for us to understand how they feel.
Most of the money Americans give to animal welfare charities helps causes that aid companion animals.

Want to help animals? Don’t forget the chickens

A growing number of animal advocates want Americans to do more to aid animals raised in farms for food, rather than supporting groups that help cats, dogs and other human companions.
Did Puss in Boots have it all wrong? Flickr/zaimoku_woodpile

Curious Kids: Why don’t cats wear shoes?

Cats evolved in hot desert regions where there were lots of small animals to eat. So they evolved feet that are perfect for pouncing on prey, climbing, scratching and jumping from great heights.
Next best thing to a hidey-hole box? Maggie Villiger

Why can’t cats resist thinking inside the box?

Twitter recently blew up with posts wondering about the feline fascination with taped squares on the ground. An animal behavior expert explains it’s not magic that draws Fluffy to the #CatSquare.

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