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Articles on Democratic Party

Displaying 141 - 160 of 188 articles

Humility might have gone out of politics. But why does it matter? Charles Mostoller/Reuters

Why America needs the virtues of humility

At a time when politics is showing its most divisive side, a scholar argues that embracing humility could help us deal with hidden biases.
President Barack Obama meets with Paul Ryan, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell at the Oval Office. REUTERS/Carlos Barria

Can Congress build bipartisanship through caucuses?

As deadlines loom large for Congress, is there any hope for avoiding gridlock? A political scientist examines one common, informal way members build relationships across the aisle.
Hillary Clinton has been deeply frustrated in her efforts to dismiss Bernie Sanders’ candidacy. Reuters/Mike Segar

Clinton wins New York, but fight for the Democratic Party’s soul goes on

Hillary Clinton’s ‘slow and steady push’ is hardly inspiring. But it shows she is playing the long game, already positioning herself as the centrist candidate for the election in November.

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