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Articles on Energy policy

Displaying 141 - 160 of 198 articles

An ancient form of energy: a wood pellet manufacturing facility in upstate New York. thewildcenter/flickr

Does bioenergy have a green energy future in the US?

The future of two key energy policies – the EPA’s Clean Power Plan and Renewable Fuel Standard – will decide whether bioenergy will continue to grow in US or not.
Greens leader Natalie Bennett at the party’s manifesto launch. Alastair Grant/AP

Manifesto Check: the Green Party’s top policies

Our experts review the evidence behind the Green Party’s big ticket policies.
The massive Ivanpah Solar Power Facility in California was partially funded by a large Department of Energy loan guarantee yet the policy has been harshly criticized. Gregg Tavares

Why is low-carbon energy innovation so slow? You can thank Economics 101

The world needs new energy technologies to meet global demand and slow emissions. Government plays an outside role in energy so what policies work best for innovation?
Wrinkles in the EU plan to drive innovation? Giampaolo Squarcina

Europe’s bid for investment could be bad news for big oil

The European Union might just have made a historically important statement of intent, aimed at laying the foundations to boost investment in the EU as a driver of full recovery and long-term growth. That’s…

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