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Articles on Food crisis

Displaying 1 - 20 of 28 articles

Halfway through the Sustainable Development Goals timeline, the world is not on track to meet the target of ending malnutrition by 2030. (Ben Curtis/AP Photo, File)

Wasting and edema — severe forms of malnutrition — affect millions of children worldwide as food insecurity grows

As global acute food insecurity increases, severe wasting — which already affects 13.6 million children — is expected to rise with it. Treating wasting requires specialized nutrition and medical care.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov (L) and Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu (R) met in Ankara, Turkey on June 8 2022 to discuss Ukrainian grain exports. EPA

Food prices: how countries are using the global crisis to gain geopolitical power

Negotiations between Russia and Turkey to ensure safe passage of Ukrainian grain hint at a new era of global food diplomacy.
Egyptian Prime Minister Mostafa Madbouly pledged to keep food prices in the fair range amid the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Photo by Ahmed Gomaa/Xinhua via Getty Images

Russia-Ukraine crisis poses a serious threat to Egypt – the world’s largest wheat importer

Egypt is already feeling the impact of the war, which has led to recent cancellation of tenders due to lack of offers, in particular from Ukraine and Russia.
A baby scale hangs on a tree branch during a malnutrition screening session in Ifotaka, southern Madagascar. RIJASOLO/AFP via Getty Images

How climate change contributed to Madagascar’s food crisis

Out of the last six years in Madagascar, five years have had poor or very bad rainy seasons.
A fisherman removes a fishing net laid out to dry on the outskirts of Mumbai, India, on May 5 2020. Francis Mascarenhas/Antara Foto/Reuters

How COVID-19 worsens hunger in India, the world’s largest food basket

The pandemic has disrupted local, regional and national supply chains, making the problem of hunger in India much worse.
The future of farming is ours to decide. Raggedstone/Shutterstock

Food that feeds the world and heals it too – Imagine newsletter #6

We all need to eat. Experts imagine how the next agricultural revolution can feed us while fighting climate change and habitat destruction, instead of accelerating it.
We need more, but more of what? Perhaps not this. David Giles/PA

How to feed nine billion people, and feed them well

Resource-intensive agriculture, despite its productivity, nevertheless has failed to feed the world’s current population, never mind the nine billion people expected by 2050. This system that currently…

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