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Articles on Health

Displaying 221 - 240 of 1228 articles

Advert for a universal basic income (UBI) scheme in New York, May 2016. Such schemes could offer significant benefits for recipients’ mental health. Generation Grundeinkommen via Wikimedia

How to solve our mental health crisis

Investing in people’s future mental health, based on the key socioeconomic factors underlying it, is the only way to address this rising problem.
Valentina G / Shutterstock

A century of research shows eating these compounds can help protect against heart disease and Alzheimer’s

They’re in your wine, tea and all the plants we eat. Polyphenols can benefit our health in many different ways, some of which are still yet to be discovered.
Many LGBTQ+ people do not access drug and alcohol support services because they fear stigma and discrimination. Old Town Tourist/Shutterstock

How substance use services can better support LGBTQ+ people

LGBTQ+ people face barriers to accessing substance use services, but research shows there are ways to make them more inclusive and supportive.
The NHS recommends using water heated to at least 70C for mixing with formula powder. 279photo Studio/Shutterstock

Baby formula preparation machines might not reach NHS recommended temperatures for killing bacteria – new research

New research finds that 85% of formula preparation machines tested were dispensing water that did not appear to reach NHS recommended temperatures for preparing bottles of formula.

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