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Articles on HPV screening

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The most effective defence against cervical cancer is HPV vaccination. Getty Images

What is cervical cancer and how can it be prevented? Answers to key questions

The human papillomavirus is the primary cause of cervical cancer – but not all infected individuals develop the disease.
Women who’ve never had a Pap smear or who’ve skipped a few don’t need to miss out on cervical screening. For the first time, some can take their own sample if that makes them feel more comfortable. from

Never had a Pap smear? Now there’s a DIY option for you

For the first time, some Australian women will be eligible to collect their own sample for cervical screening. While it’s not as accurate as one from a GP or nurse, it could still save your life.
Women are confused about how the new test for human papillomavirus (HPV), pictured here, will help them prevent cervical cancer. Let’s fix that. from

Delays and confusion cloud roll-out of new cervical cancer screening program

The roll-out of a new screening program for cervical cancer has been delayed, leaving Australian women understandably confused about if or when they need Pap smears. Here’s what they need to know.
Billions were expected to be saved from the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme – but surprisingly the budget only outlines $252 million in savings. Lukas Coch/AAP

Federal Budget 2015: health experts react

The big surprise about this year’s health budget was what wasn’t there – billions of dollars in expected savings from the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme.
The HPV vaccination program has had a profound impact on lowering the risk of cervical cancer in young women and suggested changes complement it. Emilian Robert Vicol/Flickr

Recommended cervical screening regime will save even more lives

Australian women may soon have fewer of those uncomfortable visits to the doctor for cervical cancer screening. After an extensive evidence review, the Medical Services Advisory Committee has recommended…

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