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Articles on Hungary

Displaying 21 - 40 of 87 articles

Canada is poised to pass laws aimed at social media companies and harmful online content. Is it the right approach? (AP Photos)

Planned social media regulations set a dangerous precedent

Canada needs to think carefully about our approach to regulating online harm. Rather than going it alone and taking aim at social media companies, Canada should work with other democracies.
Foreign military students from the U.S. Navy’s Patrol Craft Officer course conduct a field training exercise at the Stennis Space Center in Mississippi in 2009. Department of Defense

US-educated foreign soldiers learn ‘democratic values,’ study shows – though America also trains future dictators

The US Armed Forces run 14 programs in over 150 countries, providing education and training for roughly 70,000 foreign military personnel each year. What, if anything, are they learning?
Hungarian protesters hold glowing cellphones aloft at a 2017 protest against tough laws targeting foreign-backed nonprofit organizations and universities. STR/AFP via Getty Images

Donors grow more generous when they support nonprofits facing hostile environments abroad

Many countries, ranging from Hungary to Brazil, are using violence and legal measures to control, intimidate and shut down independent organizations – including foreign ones.
Hungarian police officers check cars at the closed Austria-Hungary border, March 18, 2020. Alex Halada/AFP via Getty Images

Coronavirus versus democracy: 5 countries where emergency powers risk abuse

National emergencies allow for the purest expressions of sovereign power, testing the government’s commitment to human rights. Some leaders are failing the coronavirus test, experts say.
Hong Kong protesters shelter behind a thin barrier – and umbrellas – as police fire tear gas and encircle a group of demonstrators. AP Photo/Vincent Yu

Is there hope for a Hong Kong revolution?

Revolutions are built not on deep misery but on rising expectations. History may not provide much hope of immediate change in Hong Kong – but protesters may have a longer view.
The European Parliament is more fragmented than ever in its history, which could lead to legislative paralysis. Shutterstock

To tackle climate change, immigration and threats to democracy, Europe’s fractious new Parliament will have to work together

Populists didn’t do well enough in the EU’s recent elections to destroy Europe from within. But with far-right and far-left parties winning new seats, consensus on key issues looks ever less likely.

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