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Articles on Illicit drugs

Displaying 81 - 100 of 147 articles

Instead, we need to adopt a harm-minimisation approach. Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock

Awareness campaigns need to target the real victims of ice

International evidence suggests “awareness” campaigns are not the best way to address harmful methamphetamine use. Fear-based approaches can increase stigma and drive people from treatment.
Collingwood’s Lachlan Keeffe faces a ban of up to four years after testing positive to a performance-enhancing drug. AAP/Joe Castro

AFL illicit drug reform needs to be about more than punishment

There may be career-ending sanctions for sportspeople who have inadvertently tested positive to a performance-enhancing drug after having consumed an illicit drug.
Only a small proportion of Australians who use methamphetamines fall into a category of dependent users. Thomas Hawk/Flickr

Political fear-mongering just magnifies the harm ice can do

There is no doubt methamphetamine can cause harm. But when politicians hijack drug issues and overplay them for political purposes, that too can cause harm.
Gold Coast Titan Greg Bird could face action by WADA on top of court charges stemming from drug supply allegations. AAP/Dave Hunt

Illicit drugs: Australian sports intervene while WADA spectates

The World Anti-Doping Authority looks on from the sidelines in case there is an opportunity to punish athletes’ involvement with illicit drugs out of competition.
What worked for you doesn’t work for everyone. Matt Crossick/PA

Elitism is what unites Russell Brand and Iain Duncan Smith on drug policy

You would be forgiven for thinking that Russell Brand, that radical left-winger and advocate of revolution, and Iain Duncan Smith, Conservative secretary of state for work and pensions, didn’t have anything…
Can cause behavioural problems in children later on. Injection by Shutterstock

How taking drugs while pregnant harms unborn babies

Women smoking while pregnant has been an uncomfortable reality for decades. Whatever the reason – whether a lack of concern about the risk, belief it’s too hard to quit or even reports that a resultant…
Zero tolerance is a faith and not a policy. Creativity103/Flickr

Like men possessed: what are illicit drug laws really for?

According to the UK government’s “first evidence-based study”, released at the end of last week, tough laws for personal possession of illicit drugs fail to lower levels of their use. This is not news…
Getting high on own supply. Dance by Shutterstock

To reduce drug-related harm, it’s time to be honest about the pleasure

Despite the language we use about drugs, many people don’t see themselves as “drug users” but as rational adults who aren’t on a mission to seek moral disintegration and cause themselves harm. People who…
Heavy cannabis use in adolescence can affect cognitive development and educational attainment. Smokers High Life/Flickr

Heavy pot users more likely to quit school and use other drugs

Almost half (46%) of regular cannabis users drop out of high school and just 12% become degree qualified, according to a study published today in The Lancet. Teens who smoke cannabis daily or weekly are…
In most developed countries, including Australia, gay and bisexual men dominate numbers of new HIV infections. Aleksandar Stojkovic/Flickr

Know the epidemic: responding to HIV in three key communities

The number of new HIV diagnoses in Australia remains the highest in 20 years, according to data released today by UNSW’s Kirby Institute. While rates have remained stable over the past two years, the number…

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