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Articles on Labour

Displaying 321 - 340 of 357 articles

Takin’ it to the streets. Chris Radburn/PA Wire

Pink stinks but Labour’s bus is a welcome sight on the road

An admission: last year I wore a bubblegum pink t-shirt. The occasion? Cancer Research’s Race for Life. If I told you that I only ever wear black and grey, you might be rather surprised. Indeed, I have…
This house has seen some corkers over the years. davidesimonetti/Flickr

Britain’s seven greatest general elections since 1945

General elections are the great democratic leveller. Every citizen – however wealthy, educated or interested – gets an opportunity to pass judgement on the performance of the government and the direction…
Voters are packing their bags and leaving the middle ground. Rawpixel/Shutterstock

Playing it safe could make Labour and Tories sorry

The current predictions for the 2015 election place Conservatives and Labour neck and neck with projections of around 280 seats each. The most likely outcome of the general election would seem to be another…
No one gets to make themselves at home in this house. ** Maurice **/Flickr

How to predict the outcome of a general election

If most commentators are right, the 2015 general election is likely to be one of the most unpredictable and exciting polls of the post-war period. The dramatic rise in support for UKIP in England, the…
Miliband is fighting a grassroots campaign - but will it push Labour over the line? Nick Ansell/PA Wire

Hard Evidence: does door-to-door campaigning work?

With the 2015 General Election set for May 7, Britain’s political parties have lost no time in stepping up their campaign activities. The country faces four months of intense electioneering, as the parties…
Ed’s Scottish banana skin. Peter Byrne/PA

Labour really does face a tough battle in Scotland

May’s general election is widely being viewed as one of the most unpredictable in living memory. Yet there is one prediction that can probably be safely made – the campaign in Scotland will be a very distinct…
If you stay very still, it can’t see you. Oli Scarff/PA Archive

2014: the year the old guard woke up to multi-party politics

Psephologists have been warning for decades now that multi-party politics is on the rise in the UK, but for most of the time they have been ignored. Everything changed in 2014 though, and the old guard…
Is that the best you can do? EPA/Andy Rain

Clueless Labour plotters need to learn the rules of opposition

If we’ve learned anything from Labour backbenchers over the past four-and-a-half years it’s that being in opposition can seriously damage your cognitive abilities. At least, that appears to be the only…
See? Some people still like him. Peter Byrne/PA Wire

Voter survey shows Miliband panic is overblown

There is a wobble going on in the Labour party over Ed Miliband’s leadership. A number of Labour backbenchers are said to be becoming increasingly nervous about retaining their seats in next year’s general…
Is anything less acceptable? LIVING WAGE

The living wage may cut poverty, but not by very much

In the UK, according to the Living Wage Foundation, some 1,000 firms have pledged to offer a living wage, including household names like RBS, ITV and SSE. Earlier this week the annual rate increase was…
Over half of Australia’s imported goods come from the Asia Pacific, which has 78 million child labourers, including these three in a Bangladesh balloon factory. EPA/Abir Abdhullah

Global supply chains link us all to shame of child and forced labour

The fragmentation of global production has dramatically increased the length and complexity of supply chains. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) estimates that more than…

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