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Articles on Nuclear energy

Displaying 61 - 80 of 136 articles

A miner takes a break from sorting through coal at a mine in Vietnam. The country relies heavily on coal imports. Julian Abram Wainwright/EPA

Vietnam cancels nuclear reactor deal: a lesson for South Africa

Vietnam recently cancelled it’s plans for the procurement of nuclear energy. There are lessons South Africa can take from this.
Radioactively contaminated territory around the Mayak nuclear facility in Russia. Nikulina/Slapovskaya/Heinrich Boell Foundation Moscow

The risks attached to South Africa’s nuclear energy strategy

The nuclear deal South Africa signed with Russia is set to be massively expensive and comes with a fair amount of risks.
Russian President Vladimir Putin (right) is looking to provide his South African counterpart, Jacob Zuma, with nuclear energy. EPA

Why nuclear power would be a bad option for South Africa

Instead of spending time trying to make nuclear energy a possibility, South Africa should look to forms of renewable energy instead.
Countries should make pledges to fund low-carbon research - such as developing solar technology - and development as part of global climate talks. University of Salford Press Office/Flickr

What’s missing from our climate pledges? Low-carbon R&D

Countries will take emissions reduction pledges to international climate talks in Paris at the end of this year. Those pledges should also include funds for low-carbon R&D.
Reactor pressure vessel during construction of Shippingport Atomic Power Station in Pennsylvania, 1956. U.S. Department of Energy, Naval Reactors Program

How nuclear power-generating reactors have evolved since their birth in the 1950s

The basics of fission physics have stayed the same over the decades. But power-generating reactor designs have evolved, turning to new coolants, recycled fuel and other innovations.

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