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Articles on Nutrition

Displaying 401 - 420 of 617 articles

Non-compliance at mealtimes can be stressful for parents. However, research shows that independence at mealtimes is completely appropriate for children as they learn to discriminate based on newly recognized qualities of foods such as taste, texture, presentation and familiarity. (Shutterstock)

Is your child a picky eater? Five ways to fun and healthy mealtimes

A picky eater need not ruin dinner and drive parents crazy. Two nutrition experts offer simple strategies for happier and healthier family mealtimes.
South Africans eat too little fruit and vegetables. Food gardens in urban and rural communities could help. Flickr/USAID | Southern Africa

South Africa’s twin malnutrition challenges: hunger and obesity

South Africa has problems with hunger and obesity and both are linked to malnutrition. But solutions like taxes, education, regulating food advertising and labelling can help the problem.
In a supermarket candy and cookie aisle. October 31, France adopted the NutriScore, a labelling system designed to inform consumers about the nutritional value of food choices. Defotoberg/Shutterstock

Front-of-pack nutrition labels: why are certain agro-industrial firms resisting?

France recently adopted NutriScore, a series of simple colour codes that will allow consumers to easily identify the healthiest foods. But some of the biggest food conglomerates are fighting back.
Another day, another diet. Yuriy Maksymiv/Shutterstock

The long, strange history of dieting fads

For centuries, people have been trying to lose weight in all sorts of ways – including drinking vinegar, avoiding swamps and stocking up on grapefruit.
The evidence shows that both low and high fat diets can reduce your risks of cardiovascular disease – if they are plant-based. (Shutterstock)

These foods will lower your risk of heart disease

From donuts to avocados, food impacts your heart health. Here we delve into the science of how to eat – to reduce your chances of cardiovascular disease.
Is coconut oil all it’s really cracked up to be, or is it just another fad? Sebastien Gabriel/Unsplash

5 claims about coconut oil debunked

Coconut oil is being hailed as the new “superfood”, helping us lose weight and kill harmful bugs. But how do the claims stand up to scientific scrutiny?
Africa has focused on tackling undernutrition caused by low calorie diets. IFPRI

Seven African countries show how the battle against malnutrition can be won

Policy choices made by Senegal, Ghana, Rwanda, Angola, Cameroon, Ethiopia and Togo over the past 15 years have led to significant reductions in child undernourishment.
Over 90 per cent of food and beverage product ads viewed by children and youth online are for unhealthy food products. (Shutterstock)

This is why child obesity rates have soared

New data on soaring child obesity should not come as a surprise. The food industry spends billions marketing unhealthy foods in a global society where over-eating is seen as a character flaw.
Ecuador’s school snack programme focuses on pre-packaged, individual-sized items like juice boxes. Bernardo Cañizares Esguerra

Ecuador’s school food is bad for kids — and the environment

Up to 25% of Ecuadorian children suffer from malnutrition, and the country’s sugary school snacks aren’t helping. Kids need healthful, fresh food — not high-calorie humanitarian aid.

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