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Articles on Oil industry

Displaying 21 - 40 of 48 articles

The oil industry was aware of the risks of climate change decades ago. Barry Lewis/InPictures via Getty Images

What Big Oil knew about climate change, in its own words

Transcripts and internal documents show how the industry shifted from leading research into fossil fuels’ effect on the climate to sowing doubt about science.
Conservative Leader Erin O'Toole holds his first news conference as leader on Parliament Hill in Ottawa in August 2020. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean Kilpatrick

The risk of ‘peak oil demand’ for Canada’s Conservatives

Recent industry reports indicate that we may be approaching peak global demand for oil. If that’s the case, the federal Conservatives may need to rethink their electoral strategy.
A satellite image of the oil slick as it looked in late May 2010, a month after the Deepwater Horizon well exploded. The oil plume looks grayish white. NASA/Goddard/Jen Shoemaker and Stu Snodgrass

A decade after the Deepwater Horizon explosion, offshore drilling is still unsafe

The BP Deepwater Horizon blowout on April 20, 2010 triggered the largest offshore oil spill in history. Ten years later, post-spill reforms are being undone and the Gulf of Mexico remains vulnerable.
Pipeline pipes are seen at a Trans Mountain facility near Hope, B.C., on Aug. 22, 2019. Project Reconciliation is an Indigenous-led initiative that seeks to buy a stake in the pipeline. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Jonathan Hayward

Indigenous ownership of the Trans Mountain pipeline would safeguard the environment

Project Reconciliation is a direct response to one of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s calls that Indigenous communities ‘gain long-term sustainable benefits from economic development projects.’
A school of juvenile bocaccio in the midwaters of Platform Gilda, Santa Barbara Channel, Calif. Scott Gietler

Retired oil rigs off the California coast could find new lives as artificial reefs

Californians love their coast and strongly oppose offshore drilling. Will they support converting old oil rigs to artificial reefs – a policy that benefits both marine life and oil companies?
Staffers listen to EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt discuss this policy reversal. AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

Stronger fuel standards make sense, even when gas prices are low

Manufacturers always have to make trade-offs when they design new cars, balancing the need to protect public health and the environment with their urge to wow customers.
Sales of electric vehicles are growing fast, especially in Europe. Sopotnicki/

How electric vehicles could take a bite out of the oil market

Shifting to plug-in cars wouldn’t be enough to max out global oil consumption by 2040. But it could help make that happen if cities pitch in and ride-sharing doesn’t crowd out public transportation.
Inflation reached 800% in Venezuela. Here, a banknote featuring president Nicolas Maduro’s face has been stamped as ‘devalued’. Jorge Silva/Reuters

Inside Venezuela’s economic collapse

How is a country that was once South America’s richest now on the verge of bankruptcy? A Venezuelan economist breaks down his country’s descent into chaos.

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