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Articles on Perception

Displaying 21 - 40 of 56 articles

The Orange Problem, 2019, Acrylic on panel, 72 x 72 cm. © Robert Pepperell 2019. The author

Art, science and the paradoxes of perception

When we look at art we may not all see the same thing. It all depends on what happens in our brains.
file ubn. Marin Dacos/VisualHunt

Understanding children’s mirror writing

Spontaneous mirror writing by both left- and right-handed children has long remained a mystery. Recent studies of brain processing and writing have led to an unexpected explanation.
I can’t see you, you can’t see me. Child image via

Young children are terrible at hiding – psychologists have a new theory why

Little kids cover their own eyes and feel hidden, even if they’re still fully visible. New research suggests this doesn’t mean children can’t understand others’ perspectives, as had been assumed.

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