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Articles on Punk

Displaying 1 - 20 of 30 articles

Peter Hook at a recent Joy Division Orchestrated performance at London’s Royal Albert Hall. VDImages & Yannis Hostelidis

Will time tear us apart? Exploring the appeal of Joy Division 40 years on

The music alone, despite its unquestionable majesty, cannot entirely explain the enduring appeal of a band that existed for barely two years before its lead singer took his own life.
Punk Muslim members from Surabaya and Jakarta gather together for their event ‘Ngobrol Bareng Punk Muslim’ in Jakarta on January 15 2017. Hikmawan Saefullah

Punks are not dead in Indonesia, they’ve turned to Islam

The emergence of the Islamic movement in the Indonesian underground music scene has drawn a lot of people’s attention. What factors are driving the underground youths, especially punks, to religion?

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