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Articles on Sport and exercise

Displaying 41 - 60 of 89 articles

Jane Fonda was wrong – you don’t need to “feel the burn” to reap the benefits of exercise. Image from

Monday’s medical myth: no pain, no gain

The value of regular physical activity to a person’s well-being is unequivocal. But how much exercise do we need to maintain health, improve fitness or lose weight? And where is the line between healthy…
AFL CEO Andrew Demetriou (centre) has flagged a rise in positive test results, but changes to drug policies won’t necessarily help. AAP/Joe Castro

AFL summit sends wrong message on illicit drug use

The AFL’s approach to illicit drugs was championed as a world leader of drugs-in-sport policy when it was implemented in 2005. It was fair, humane and had been effective in reducing match day and out-of-season…
Coca-Cola’s business strategy is to build brand loyality and trust. Flickr/orangeacid

Coca-Cola part of the solution to obesity? Yeah right!

Coca-Cola made headlines this week with a new television advertising campaign. It begins with a voice-over: “We’d like people to come together on something that concerns all of us – obesity”. The ad then…
Heart rate provides real-time measurements of cardiovascular responses to exercise. samwebster

Beat surrender: using heart rate to monitor fitness and training

Whether the intent is to increase athletic performance or enhance fitness in the face of an ever-expanding chronic disease epidemic, a structured exercise program is essential. The ability to monitor intensity…
Swimming isn’t the best way to settle that full stomach but it’s unlikely to cause you to drown. Jaypeg

Monday’s medical myth: wait 30 minutes after eating before you swim

The old saying that you should wait at least 30 minutes after eating before you swim is based on the idea that after a big meal, blood will be diverted away from your arms and legs, towards your stomach’s…
If you don’t have time for hours of exercise every week, short, intense efforts might work instead. Michael Lokner

Fast and furious: intensity is the key to health and fitness

Less than 40% of Australians achieve the minimum amount of physical activity recommended by government and professional organisations. This contributes to the fact 60% of Australians are overweight or…
Australian cyclist Matthew White admitted to taking drugs during his time riding for Lance Armstrong’s US Postal Service cycling team. AAP/Tracey Nearmy

Review of cycling integrity must consider the lessons of history

Federal Sports Minister Kate Lundy’s recent announcement of an independent review of Cycling Australia appears sensible given the local fall-out from the Armstrong case. The minister sees this review “as…
Research shows sports sponsorship works to improve brand recall and positive attitudes among children and adolescents.

Sports sponsorship and kids’ health: who are the real winners?

Over the weekend, Australian children and their parents witnessed some of the country’s finest sportsmen display feats of strength, skill and endurance in the Australian Football League (AFL) and National…
There is currently no evidence to show helmets help prevent concussion or more serious head injury. AAP

Helmets won’t cure football’s concussion headache

We’ve heard a lot about concussion this AFL season, with claims that too many knocks to the head can cause mental illness, calls for more research into the possible link between football concussions and…
Too much water can lead to a condition called hyponatremia that can cause death. ERIO/Flickr

Too much of a good thing? How drinking too much water can kill

Drinking enough water is very important during long periods of physical activity or recreational pursuits. But there are rare instances when too much fluid intake can be harmful, and even lead to death…
Gambling companies sponsor and advertise at grass roots sporting clubs throughout Australia. MRHSfan

Betting on the future: why the gambling industry is targeting our kids

I really enjoyed sitting down with my kids and watching the Olympic Games. In the process of watching amazing sporting triumphs we also learnt multiple ways to gamble, all at the tap of a finger. During…
If you don’t change the way you run, ditching your sneakers is a recipe for injury. Steven at

Monday’s medical myth: run barefoot to prevent injuries

The human species is one of the most efficient terrestrial animals. We adapted to run on dry riverbeds and grasslands, but development of modern society has strained the evolutionary process. Footwear…
Depending on their age, children should accumulate between one and three hours of physical activity a day. Kymberly Janisch

Want to stop the obesity epidemic? Let’s get moving

OBESE NATION: It’s time to admit it – Australia is becoming an obese nation. This series looks at how this has happened and, more importantly, what we can do to stop the obesity epidemic. Here, Jo Salmon…
We need further research to determine whether concussion can cause mental illness. Ed Yourdon

Do football concussions cause depression?

A number of retired sports professional have claimed that mental health problems they developed later in life, such as depression and dementia, may have been caused by concussions sustained during their…

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