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Articles on US election 2024

Displaying 21 - 40 of 59 articles

US Supreme Court associate justice Amy Coney Barrett during her swearing-in ceremony on the South Lawn of the White House in October 2020, with Donald Trump in attendance. AC News Photo/Alamy

Should presidents have immunity from the law? The US Supreme Court is to hear Trump’s case

The US Supreme Court’s decision to review presidential immunity is likely to push back his trial over the Capitol Hill riots until after the election.
Lawyers write too much. That’s why the Supreme Court and other U.S. courts impose word limits on them. siraanamwong/ iStock / Getty Images Plus

Supreme Court word-count limits for lawyers, explained in 1,026 words

Lawyers submitting briefs to the Supreme Court in the Trump Colorado ballot case must file a ‘certificate of word count.’ Why? As one judge put it, lawyers’ briefs are ‘too long, too long, too long.’

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