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Articles on Workplace

Displaying 201 - 220 of 359 articles

Organized labour held demonstrations in front of Tim Hortons franchises in Ontario in January 2018 to protest the actions some Tim Hortons franchises have taken in response to an increase in the province’s minimum wage. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Chris Young

The issues facing Canadian workers this May Day

May Day is a time to reflect on labour struggles of the past and demands for the future, and Canada’s move toward increasing the minimum wage is not enough. Labour politics is about who counts
The railway at the centre of the 2013 Lac-Megantic explosion, Montreal Maine and Atlantic, was recently ordered to pay fines totalling $1.25 million after being convicted of violating the Fisheries Act due to crude oil leaking into nearby bodies of water. Employers and companies are increasingly being held responsible for workplace accidents. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Paul Chiasson

The National Day of Mourning is a reminder workplaces should be safe

Every day people around the world go to work expecting to return home safely to their families. But the reality is that many never return due to workplace accidents that could have been prevented.
Individuals high in traits like narcissism, actively seek out prestige, target high level jobs and make their accomplishments known to those around them. RJ/Flickr

Playing nice at work could cost you success

Research shows that being agreeable can come at a cost in terms of income and career success. But it can be used to your advantage if combined with being strategic and conscientious.
The study showed that boosting the office temperature a little can save energy and keep office workers comfortable without sacrificing their cognitive performance. Mami Kempe / The Conversation

Chill out. A slightly warmer office won’t make it too hot to think

Our study found that office workers performed just the same, whether the air conditioning was set at 22°C or 25°C. But making that tweak can cut energy use by 18%.
When an employee is dismissed after making a complaint, it’s relatively easy for the employer to hide the true reason for dismissal.

What happens when employees are fired for complaining at work

The way victimisation cases are interpreted by the courts often leaves employees defenceless and gives employers excessive managerial powers.
The study examined more than 100 interactions and found that when airline staff were effusive in their apologies it actually diminished their ability to be efficient problem solvers. Mark Hodson/Flickr

Customer service staff need to be problem solving not apologising

Traditional customer service is struggling as consumers solve problems online and expect options in person.
Millennial women are choosing pets over kids. And they want to bring those pets to work. What can employers do? (Shutterstock)

The growing demand for pet-friendly workplaces

Pets have become a major part of our lives, with many millennials opting for a dog or cat instead of children. What should employers do to accommodate pet owners?
Patriots head coach Bill Belichick talks to players during a game against the New Orleans Saints on Sept. 17, 2017. AP Photo/Butch Dill

Talent doesn’t explain the success of the Patriots and Eagles

According to a management scholar, a team’s mindset and structure – not its stars – will often determine its success.
It’s ok to let a little anger show in the workplace but you shouldn’t let it all out, research says.

How to understand and harness your workplace rage

Anger can help you in negotiations but it might get you fired if you don’t learn your triggers and how to control it.

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