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Articles on X-ray

Displaying 21 - 28 of 28 articles

The dispute between Philipp Lenard and Albert Einstein sheds considerable light on the power of nonscientific concerns to sway scientists. NASA via Wikimedia Commons

When science gets ugly – the story of Philipp Lenard and Albert Einstein

Scientists are not always as scientific as many suppose. Recent well-publicized cases of scientific fraud prove that scientists can be as susceptible to the allures of wealth, power and fame as politicians…
While doctors still use their senses for diagnoses, they have technologies to back them up. Alex Proimos/Flickr

From the sweet taste of urine to MRI: how doctors lost their senses

“Diabetic urine”, the surgeon Herbert Mayo wrote in 1832, “is almost always of a pale straw or greenish colour. Its smell is commonly faint and peculiar, sometimes resembling sweet whey or milk.” The use…

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