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Clark University

Founded in 1887, Clark University is a liberal arts-based research university that prepares its students to meet tomorrow’s most daunting challenges and embrace its greatest opportunities. Through 33 undergraduate majors, nearly 30 advanced degree programs and nationally recognized community partnerships, Clark fuses rigorous scholarship with authentic world and workplace experiences that empower our learning community to pursue lives and careers of meaning and consequence. Clark’s academic departments and institutes develop solutions to complex global problems across the disciplines, and the university addresses the behavioral health of adolescents and young adults through the Mosakowski Institute for Public Enterprise.


Displaying 41 - 60 of 71 articles

Just 20 amino acids for chains in various combinations to create the thousands of varieties of proteins in our body. David Goodsell/ProteinDatabase

What is a protein? A biologist explains

A biologist explains where proteins come from and what role the 20,000 or so proteins in your body play in keeping you alive and kicking.
La policía antidisturbios se enfrenta a los manifestantes en Lima, Perú, el 12 de noviembre de 2020. Ernesto Benavides/AFP via Getty Images

La democracia peruana afronta su mayor desafío desde la dictadura de Fujimori

Después de convertirse en el tercer presidente del país en seis días, Francisco Sagasti debe llevar al país a elecciones y construir una mejor democracia. No es una tarea sencilla. Otros políticos peruanos fracasaron ante empresas similares.
Riot police face off against protesters in Lima, Peru, Nov. 12, 2020. Ernesto Benavides/AFP via Getty Images

Peru’s democracy faces greatest trial since Fujimori dictatorship after two presidents are ousted in one week

After becoming Peru’s third president in six days, Francisco Sagasti must both lead the country into elections and build a better democracy. It’s a test Peruvian leaders largely failed 20 years ago.
The next administration will need to carefully weigh the economic, social and environmental impacts of both climate change and the policy responses. Jim Watson/Getty Images

Biden’s climate change plans can quickly raise the bar, but can they be transformative?

After four years of the US government undoing climate change policies and partnerships, a Biden administration has a chance to rebuild that leadership. But success will require more than quick wins.
Are cats really to blame for the worldwide loss of biodiversity? Dzurag/iStock via Getty Images Plus

Don’t blame cats for destroying wildlife – shaky logic is leading to moral panic

Framing cats as responsible for declines in biodiversity is based on faulty scientific logic and fails to account for the real culprit – human activity.
Gambar dari udara areal tambang di Kalimantan Timur. Muhamad Muhdar

Lemahnya regulasi minerba berpotensi tingkatkan angka korban tenggelam di lubang bekas tambang

Revisi UU Minerba 2009 masih memberikan kelonggaran bagi perusahaan tambang untuk menutup lubang bekas tambang. Ini berpotensi meningkatkan angka korban kecelakaan.
An Ohio election official on the night of the primary vote rescheduled from March 17 to April 28. AP/Gene J. Puskar

Delaying primaries helps protect incumbents as well as voters

To many, the idea that states might cancel or postpone their primary elections as a response to the COVID-19 epidemic sounds undemocratic. What’s the political effect of these postponements?
Hungarian police officers check cars at the closed Austria-Hungary border, March 18, 2020. Alex Halada/AFP via Getty Images

Coronavirus versus democracy: 5 countries where emergency powers risk abuse

National emergencies allow for the purest expressions of sovereign power, testing the government’s commitment to human rights. Some leaders are failing the coronavirus test, experts say.
Displaced Syrians learn about the danger of the coronavirus to them in their camps. Mohammed Al-Rifai/AFP via Getty Images

2 reasons – and 1 disease – that make peace in Syria so difficult

Everyone in Syria is fighting a slightly different war from everyone else, there are outsiders with their own goals – and the coronavirus is about to make everything much worse.


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