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Clark University

Founded in 1887, Clark University is a liberal arts-based research university that prepares its students to meet tomorrow’s most daunting challenges and embrace its greatest opportunities. Through 33 undergraduate majors, nearly 30 advanced degree programs and nationally recognized community partnerships, Clark fuses rigorous scholarship with authentic world and workplace experiences that empower our learning community to pursue lives and careers of meaning and consequence. Clark’s academic departments and institutes develop solutions to complex global problems across the disciplines, and the university addresses the behavioral health of adolescents and young adults through the Mosakowski Institute for Public Enterprise.


Displaying 61 - 71 of 71 articles

Should down-ballot Republicans love this face? REUTERS/Carlo Allegri

Did Donald Trump kill the Tea Party?

This primary cycle, few incumbents in the House and Senate are fighting off extremist challengers. Is that because the top of the ticket is taking up all the air?
Doing its own thing: the eastern coyote, or coywolf, is a mix of coyote, wolf and dog which has spread across eastern North America. Jonathan Way,

Why the eastern coyote should be a separate species: the ‘coywolf’

A wildlife biologist argues that the canid in eastern North America – known as the eastern coyote, or the coywolf by some – deserves to be classified as a separate species.


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