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Columbia University


Displaying 181 - 200 of 245 articles

Patients in a hospice in Myanmar. REUTERS/Soe Zeya Tun

Brexit and Trump are bad for our health

Increasing isolation threatens global health. International cooperation is critical to fighting diseases that will not respect borders.
Matatu or minibuses in a downtown Nairobi park. Good information about transport is critical for citizens in any place. Reuters

Using data from cellphones to help Nairobi crack commuter stress

Involving the public in data collection - through crowd sourcing - to produce critical public services such as maps and transit apps helps build new conversations on how the system can be improved.
Will Trump blame a rigged election come November? Eric Thayer/Reuters

Is the US electoral system really ‘rigged’?

These charges by Trump are more than just campaign rhetoric. They raise a central issue for democracy: the willingness of losers to comply with a decision reached via free and fair elections.
Local residents walk past a collapsed building in Huruma, Nairobi. Many of the city’s current problems emerged at its birth as a colonial town. EPA/Dai Kurokawa

How elites and corruption have played havoc with Nairobi’s housing

Building better, inclusive cities involves enabling the wise use of public land and taxes to ensure that high-quality housing and amenities are provided for all at a lower cost.
The test site in Iceland where gases from a geothermal power plant are pumped underground and converted into minerals by reacting with basalt stone. Juerg Matter

Putting CO2 away for good by turning it into stone

Storing waste CO2 in rock? Results from a test site at a geothermal plant in Iceland show that CO2 mixed with water can be turned into minerals in locations with basalt volcanic rock.
Si les sécheresses ont traditionnellement donné d’excellents millésimes en France, les conditions climatiques changeantes forcent les viticulteurs à s’adapter. lewismd13/flickr

Des vendanges de plus en plus précoces sous l’effet du changement climatique

En s’appuyant sur des documents historiques, des chercheurs viennent de montrer que les vendanges se produisent de plus en plus tôt… Quelles conséquences pour la viticulture ?


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