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Columbia University


Displaying 201 - 220 of 245 articles

Is a relationship that’s quick to form quick to fall apart? "Chatting" via

Are dating apps killing long-term relationships?

When it comes to dating, take Nietzsche’s advice and have the big picture – finding a lifelong friend – in mind.
Hurricane Pali churns over the eastern Pacific on January 11. NASA Earth Observatory

Why are hurricanes forming in January?

January hurricanes are rare events, but two have already formed this month. Atmospheric scientist Adam Sobel explains the conditions that generated Pali and Alex.
Newly built toilets at Harper transit site in Liberia. Oxfam International/Flickr

Gender equality comes one toilet at a time

While everyone needs access to proper sanitation to stay healthy, for girls and women it is also an issue of safety and equal participation in society.
Once a software maker learns about a “zero-day” vulnerability, there’s usually no time left to fix it. Midnight via

Zero-day’ stockpiling puts us all at risk

“Zero-days” are serious vulnerabilities in software that are unknown to the software maker or user. They are so named because developers find out about the security vulnerability the day that it is exploited…


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