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University of California, San Francisco

The leading university exclusively focused on health, UC San Francisco is driven by the idea that when the best research, the best education and the best patient care converge, great breakthroughs are achieved.

A hallmark of its excellence is UCSF’s spirit of collaboration that is carried through its partnerships across the campus and the world in pursuit of its advancing health worldwide™ mission.

Its faculty include five Nobel laureates, who have made seminal contributions to advance the understanding of cancer, neurodegenartive diseases, aging and stem cell research.


Displaying 81 - 100 of 127 articles

There are 20,000 FDA approved drugs. One of them might fight COVID-19, if we can find it. Peter Dazeley/The Image Bank via Getty Images

COVID-19 treatment might already exist in old drugs – we’re using pieces of the coronavirus itself to find them

Among the more than 20,000 drugs approved by the FDA, there may be some that can treat COVID-19. A team at the University of California, San Francisco, is identifying possible candidates.
Male pileated woodpecker. FotoRequest/

How do woodpeckers avoid brain injury?

Pecking holes in a solid wood tree trunk would give you a headache, if not serious brain damage. What special assets allow a woodpecker to do it?
Just a few millimeters across, organoids are clumps of cells that resemble the brain. Madeline Andrews, Arnold Kriegstein's lab, UCSF

Brain organoids help neuroscientists understand brain development, but aren’t perfect matches for real brains

Brain organoids are tiny models that neuroscientists use to learn more about how the brain grows and works. But new research finds important differences between the model and the real thing.
Women report abuse during delivery. Shutterstock

Subtle abuse affects women during childbirth

Research in Ghana, India and Kenya shows that more women experience subtle forms of undignified care than they do physical and verbal abuse during childbirth.
Decoding all the DNA in a patient’s biological sample can reveal whether an infectious microbe is causing the disease. ktsdesign/

Rapid DNA analysis helps diagnose mystery diseases

Superfast DNA analysis is now being used to crack medical mysteries when physicians can’t figure out whether an infectious microbe is causing the disease.
Recreación de las neuronas comunicándose en el cerebro. Whitehoune / Shutterstock

Así descubrimos qué pasa en las neuronas de las personas con autismo

Una nueva tecnología ha permitido a los neurocientíficos examinar la química de las células cerebrales individuales. El hallazgo revela cómo los genes se regulan de manera diferente en las células cerebrales de las personas con autismo en comparación con las personas neurotípicas.
Travelers at Miami International Airport on Jan. 18, 2019 wait in long lines, in part due to the government shutdown. Lynne Sladky/AP Photo

Stressed out by shutdown chaos? 4 evidence-based tools to help you cope

The stressful political climate worsened with the shutdown of the federal government. And even though a break may be in sight, even the uncertainty adds stress. A neuroscientist offers ways to cope.
As many as half of America’s college students face campus hunger. Stokkete/

More solutions needed for campus hunger

A new federal report on food insecurity on college campuses does a good job of laying out the scope of the problem but falls short when it comes to solutions.
A discarded Juul on the floor of a San Francisco streetcar March 20, 2018. Julia McQuoid

E-cigarettes and a new threat: How to dispose of them

E-cigarettes are hotly debated because of the uncertainty of whether they are a gateway to cigarette smoking for teens, or an aid to smoking cessation. One thing is clear: They are not biodegradable.
People with anorexia nervosa often see themselves as overweight when in fact they are not. This image depicts a young, thin woman who sees herself as larger than she is. Tatyana Dzemileva/

Anorexia more stubborn to treat than previously believed, analysis shows

Anorexia nervosa can be a deadly disease. A recent analysis of several studies showed that it may be even harder to treat than previously believed. But the news isn’t all bad.
El estrés existe para ayudarnos a escapar de una situación de peligro físico, no reaccionar mal al periódico cada mañana. Shutterstock

¿Las noticias te estresan? Estas cuatro técnicas de entrenamiento mental te ayudarán a calmar el cerebro

Muchas personas se sienten abrumadas por las incesantes noticias y buscan la forma de apaciguar su ánimo y mantenerse saludables. Aquí verá algunos consejos de la neurociencia que podrían ayudar.
Patients are often overwhelmed by medications, especially when they leave the hospital. EM Karuna/

How pharmacists can help solve medication errors

The medication landscape is complicated and error-riddled, with very few care providers knowing all the drugs you are taking. Here’s how pharmacists could be the solution.
U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams demonstrates the proper procedure for administering a nasal injection of naloxone on reporter Jennifer Lott, left, during a visit to the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson, Miss., May 17, 2018. AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis

Naloxone remains controversial to some, but here’s why it shouldn’t be

One study argues that naloxone increases opioid use because it protects against death from overdose. But a closer analysis shows Narcan is the number one public health tool to fight the overdose epidemic.


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