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University of California, San Francisco

The leading university exclusively focused on health, UC San Francisco is driven by the idea that when the best research, the best education and the best patient care converge, great breakthroughs are achieved.

A hallmark of its excellence is UCSF’s spirit of collaboration that is carried through its partnerships across the campus and the world in pursuit of its advancing health worldwide™ mission.

Its faculty include five Nobel laureates, who have made seminal contributions to advance the understanding of cancer, neurodegenartive diseases, aging and stem cell research.


Displaying 121 - 127 of 127 articles

Homeless in Los Angeles: Bernard Leatherhood (62) and Arthur Johnson (72). Lucy Nicholson/Reuters

How the homeless population is changing: it’s older and sicker

Field research in Oakland highlights a major issue that Americans have yet to face up to: how to deal with growing numbers of homeless older people in our streets.
Packets of synthetic cannabinoids illegally sold in New York City. Sebastien Malo/Reuters

Labs make new, dangerous synthetic cannabinoid drugs faster than we can ban them

Synthetic cannabinoids – drugs that mimic the psychoactive effect of cannabis – have been linked to injuries and deaths. And when one is banned, another rises to take its place.
Silent Witness, more added glam to the final exam. BBC Pictures

As a pathologist, it’s my job to speak up for the dead

Pulling bullets out of homicide victims makes up part of my job as a forensic pathologist, but not the most interesting part. No, I love a head-scratcher. Dead for no clear reason is the real whodunit…


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