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University of Groningen

The University of Groningen has a rich academic tradition dating back to 1614. Out of this tradition rose the first female student and the first female lecturer in the Netherlands, the first Dutch astronaut and the first president of the European Central Bank. Geographically, the University is rooted in the North of the Netherlands, a region very close to its heart.

The University provides high quality research and teaching in a broad and varied range of fields of study. It is distinguished by the close link the University of Groningen has forged between research and teaching, a bond that does justice to their interdependence.

As an institution facilitating academic research and teaching, the University works at the forefront in its respective fields. The University undertakes its cooperative relationships on the basis of openness and equality. In these relationships, the University is socially involved, purposeful and creative. The University stimulates current debate on scientific, social and cultural issues and is clear and convincing in such debates.

Research and teaching at the University of Groningen is internationally oriented. Students from every continent can prepare themselves in Groningen for their international career paths. Researchers operating within an extensive network of cooperation contacts work at the forefront of knowledge, affirming the University’s worldwide reputation.


Displaying 1 - 20 of 39 articles

La telaraña cósmica. Visualización del gas cósmico (azul) alrededor de estructuras de materia oscura colapsadas (naranja/blanco). Los filamentos con las galaxias rodean grandes volúmenes de espacio, casi vacíos, de unos 100 millones de años luz de diámetro. © IllustrisTNG Collaboration

Tensión sobre la tensión de Hubble

¿Está la cosmología en crisis? Existe un conflicto manifiesto entre dos formas de medir el ritmo de expansión cósmica. ¿Significa esto que tenemos que revisar profundamente el modelo del Big Bang?
A recent study has found that Canadians are highly motivated to save money in preparation of long-term care. (Shutterstock)

Older Canadians’ savings are shaped by their long-term care preferences

While both nursing homes and home care impose financial burdens, their differing structures can influence how older Canadians save money.
Countries around the world were not prepared to respond to COVID-19. Andrew Wasike Shimanyula/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

Predicting epidemics isn’t easy. We’ve created a global dataset to help

A new global dataset shows there is no clear global increase of infectious disease outbreaks over time. And it can suggest which countries would most likely be affected by an outbreak.
The mortality rate among young adults is higher than it should be, statistically. Sammie Chaffin/Unsplash

Excessive mortality of young adults: a natural trait?

The risk of dying changes over the course of a lifetime. Very high at birth, it falls and then gradually rises again… except for a peak after adolescence. Why such a statistical anomaly?
Shutterstock / Gorodenkoff

Guerra en Ucrania: ¿necesitamos regular el uso de las ciberarmas?

Noticias falsas, propaganda, llamadas de auxilio, imágenes de muertos, de ataques a infraestructuras críticas… Aunque la ciberguerra ayude en ocasiones, también hace mucho daño y luchar contra un ciberejército como el ruso no es sencillo. Es necesaria la creación de una legislación internacional que la regule.
Los residentes de Donetsk han sido evacuados en los últimos días. Arkady Budnitsky / EPA-EFE

Así transcurre la vida en las regiones separatistas ucranianas de Donetsk y Lugansk

Vladimir Putin ha enviado tropas a las regiones del este de Ucrania conocidas como el Donbás. Así es la vida de los habitantes de los territorios separatistas.
Residents of Donetsk have been evacuated in recent days. Arkady Budnitsky / EPA-EFE

‘The hope is finished’: life in the Ukrainian separatist regions of Donetsk and Luhansk

Vladimir Putin has sent troops into the eastern Ukraine regions known as the Donbas. Here’s what life has been like for people living in the separatist territories.
Le taux de mortalité chez les jeunes adultes est supérieur à ce qu'il devrait, statistiquement, être. Sammie Chaffin/Unsplash

La surmortalité des jeunes adultes : un trait naturel ?

Le risque de mourir évolue au fil de la vie. Très élevé à la naissance, il chute pour ensuite remonter graduellement… hormis un pic après l’adolescence. Pourquoi une telle anomalie statistique ?


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