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Bernard J.T. Jones

Emeritus Professor, University of Groningen

Emeritus Professor at the Kapteyn Astronomical Institute of the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. His research has covered many areas of astrophysics, both theoretical and observational, with a strong emphasis on cosmology, where he is widely published and cited. He is the author of the recent highly celebrated book Precision Cosmology: the first half million years (CUP 2017) and "The Reinvention of Science: Slaying the Dragons of Dogma and Ignorance", co-authored with Vicent Martinez and Virginia Trimble (World Scientific 2013)..

Bernard did his PhD at the Institute of Astronomy in Cambridge (UK) supervised by Dennis Sciama and Martin Rees. He then went on to work as a postdoctoral fellow at Princeton and Berkeley under James Peebles. Bernard has supervised and mentored the research work of over 50 postgraduates from all over the world and is highly regarded as a teacher, lecturer, and presenter of both popular and academic talks.


  • –present
    Emeritus Professor, University of Groningen


  • 1971 
    Institute of Theoretical Astronomy, UNiversity of Cambridge, Ph.D.