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University of Technology Sydney

The University of Technology Sydney is an Australian university with an international focus. UTS is a recognised leader in teaching and learning with a model founded on discovery, creativity and collaboration. UTS research aims to reach out to the world, to drive change and discover practical solutions to national and international problems.


Displaying 61 - 80 of 2194 articles

Comme le montre cette photo prise à Pyongyang, les habitudes vestimentaires des Nord-Coréennes sont en train de changer, reflet d’une évolution discrète mais profonde. Lesley Parker

Vie économique, relations familiales, normes sociales… comment les femmes changent la Corée du Nord

De plus en plus présentes dans la vie économique du pays, les Nord-Coréennes font progressivement évoluer les normes sociales en vigueur.
The Conversation, Pexels/Shutterstock

Best books of 2023: our experts share the books that have stayed with them

Plan your summer reading or catch up on what you missed with The Conversation’s selection of the best books of the year.


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