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Associate Dean of Business (Indigenous Leadership & Engagement), University of Technology Sydney

Nareen Young is one of Australia's leading and most respected workplace Diversity practitioners and thinkers and managed two Diversity peak bodies, with enormous success, for over 15 years. She was most recently Director and Employment Lead at PwC's Indigenous Consulting for three years. She has received numerous awards and acknowledgements for this work, including the inaugural Westpac 100 Women of Influence honour for Diversity, has commentated widely, presented both Nationally and internationally, and published.

Nareen is currently Associate Dean (Indigenous Leadership & Engagement) of the Business School at the University of Technology, Sydney working on the most innovative, exciting approaches to cultivating and nurturing what Indigenous Australians bring to our workplaces and businesses.

She also has significant governance experience, spent a term as Director, Indigenous Business Australia and currently sits on the boards of Souths Cares, BlakDance and Refugee Talent.


  • –present
    Industry Professor, Jumbunna Institute of Education and Research, University of Technology Sydney