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University of the Witwatersrand

The University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, also known as Wits University, is a leading, internationally-ranked, research-intensive university located in Johannesburg, South Africa, the economic heartland of Africa. Committed to academic and research excellence and social justice, Wits generates high level scarce skills for a globally competitive world, while addressing local social and economic development. At the forefront of a changing society, Wits is a social leader, dedicated to advancing the public good.

Wits is known for its work in deep level mining, science, health sciences, accountancy, law, governance, and the humanities, amongst others. It houses five faculties which comprise 34 schools. Wits offers approximately 3 600 courses to about 32 500 full-time students, of whom about a third are postgraduate and 55% are female. Almost 65% of all doctoral candidates and about half of all enrolments are in the Science, Engineering and Technology fields. Wits has developed about 130 000 graduates in its 93 years of existence. It has a proud record in that about 87% of all publications are in accredited international journals.


Displaying 241 - 260 of 1334 articles

Support for young internet users needs to come from parents, teachers, governments and the social media industry. Adam and Kev via GettyImages

Children’s mental health and the digital world: how to get the balance right

Understanding the impact of the digital environment on children’s mental health requires a balanced consideration of not only the potential risks, but also the benefits of the online world.
Access to clean water is essential in preventing a number of infections. Riccardo Mayer/shutterstock

Community dialogue can show the way to meeting water needs: a South African case

Evidence suggests that involving marginalised communities in setting priorities and designing collective action can lead to improved health outcomes.
A man sprays the walls of a house with insecticide against mosquitoes. Cristina Aldehuela/AFP via Getty Images

Fresh signs of mosquito insecticide resistance in South Africa

Insecticide resistance is a growing threat to malaria control efforts globally. It is, thus, important to keep a close eye on vector mosquito populations in affected areas.


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